United Church of God

Our Constant Struggle Within

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Our Constant Struggle Within

MP3 Audio (17.9 MB)


Our Constant Struggle Within

MP3 Audio (17.9 MB)

The apostle Paul realized how powerful the influence and pull of sin was in his life. As we prepare for Passover, we too must be brutally honest with ourselves about sin in our lives.

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  • suecrow
    Hi Joe! Thank you so much for this excellent sermon! I really appreciated it and I am sharing it with others! Paul's words definitely give me comfort because he is so honest about the human struggle we all face!
  • Joe Horchak
    Thanks Sue. I am glad to hear that someone has been positively affected by the message. Good to hear from you.
  • suecrow
    A number of us have listened to it and thought it was very inspiring!
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