Trials of the Saints Amidst the End Time Babylon!

In the time of the end, mankind and the saints will struggle even as there is a rising of a strong power in a great and frightening era during a Babylon of confusion. How can we as “saints” of God stand firm in this time of difficulty and strife?

Joe Camerata was born in Manhattan on February of 1941 and was raised in a number of towns in Long Island, New York, including Franklin Square, Babylon, Roosevelt, along with one year in Connecticut. Eventually he returned to Manhattan at about age 10. Following high school and three years in military service, he moved to Arizona where he eventually started a career with General Electric and Honeywell in the machine shop and chemistry and quality control laboratory. He then began a 16-year career as a chemist with the Water Services Laboratory of the City of Phoenix until his retirement in 2006.

In the summer of 1966 he heard a nighttime broadcast of the “good news” of The World Tomorrow, while on a vacation trip to the Grand Canyon with a younger brother. Following an intensive study and searching he was baptized on March 16, 1969.

He and his wife, Roma, were married on June 29, 1990. They were later ordained deacon and deaconess on February 22, 1992. They both have served in a variety of capacities with the churches in Arizona, primarily with the Northwest Phoenix, Arizona, congregation.

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