Good News Magazine: September - October 2015

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In This Issue

  • by Scott Ashley
Considering how insignificant we are in comparison with the vastness and greatness of the universe, why does God care about us?
  • by Darris McNeely
In our confused and chaotic world, one of the great battlefields is whether God is real and if His Word has meaning for us today. Few grasp that the same instruction mankind rejects holds the answers to our problems and to the greatest questions of life.
  • by Darris McNeely
God’s Kingdom is coming, and you can prepare your life in advance. You can experience today the blessings and peace of that coming age!
  • by Gary Petty
Many things can get you down—trials and difficulties that get in the way of a vibrant life. But all that begins to fade away when you discover your ultimate purpose in life!
  • by Gary Petty
It may come as a shock, but people don’t go to heaven as disembodied souls when they die. In fact, what the Bible shows us about our ultimate future is so much more amazing than most of us have ever dreamed!
  • by Darris McNeely
Will mankind ever live without war, grief and suffering? Is world peace even possible? If so, how will it happen?
  • by Charles Melear
The startling shift in American attitudes toward gays and same-sex marriage is not the result of chance or random events. More than a quarter century ago, gay strategists laid out a plan to transform the nation—with astounding success.
  • by Rudy Rangel III, Tom Robinson
The Greek financial crisis is still lingering. The southern Balkan nation has been struggling economically and has been dead weight for the European Union for some time now. Greek leaders have gone back and forth on solutions and bailouts with the EU yet continue to struggle to get their fiscal feet back on stable ground.