World News and Prophecy: August 2004

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In This Issue

  • by Darris McNeely
Are today's headlines foretold in the pages of your Bible? Is there a message of hope beyond the gloom and doom news cycle of today's world? Jesus Christ was a prophet; He forecast the overall sequence of events of the world from His time on into the future. His futuristic message was current then and it's current today.
  • by Gary Petty
Lawyers argue in U.S. courts that pornography falls under the constitutional right of free speech. There is a strong movement to replace Judeo-Christian influences in schools with extreme multiculturalism. Radical feminists denounce concepts of the traditional family. Homosexuals want to totally redefine marriage. What is happening to America?
  • by John Ross Schroeder
Traditional values, like basic respect for the rights and dignity of others, are fast disappearing from a society steadily undermined by secularism and growing ignorance of the Bible. How do we rebuild a culture of respect?
  • by Cecil Maranville
A second contentious dispute between Yasir Arafat and a second prime minister over the control of the Palestinian Security Services shows the world what kind of leader Arafat is—and what the Palestinian Authority will be like when he is gone.
  • by Robin Webber
Traditional values, like basic respect for the rights and dignity of others, are fast disappearing from a society steadily undermined by secularism and growing ignorance of the Bible. How do we rebuild a culture of respect?