World News and Prophecy: July 2003

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In This Issue

  • by Cecil Maranville
"Water, water everywhere . . ."? Not so! The worldwide crisis of water shortages continues to mount. Some have ideas that may alleviate the problem, if enough nations and individuals cooperate. What about God? Is He causing today's problems? Will He change the climate in the future?
  • by John Ross Schroeder
In the course of 40 years in a major prophetic office, Jeremiah learned certain hard-won lessons that 21st century men and women desperately need to grasp and understand. What are they?
  • by Clyde Kilough
World conditions are developing like "the perfect storm," warned former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in a recent speech. Placing her comments alongside biblical revelation provides us with unique insight into what is about to happen in the world—and what to do about it.
  • by Melvin Rhodes
Seemingly unnoticed, a titanic battle is underway between the world's most powerful economies. U.S. overspending and a calculated gamble to take advantage of a devalued dollar is forcing other nations—the EU included—to pay the tab.