Does God Like Camping?

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Does God Like Camping?

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Does God Like Camping?

MP4 Video - 1080p (68.33 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (41.15 MB)
MP3 Audio (942.09 KB)

Millions of Americans went camping this summer. A fascinating verse in the Psalms shows God's view on camping.


[Steve Myers] Are you a camping fanatic? We're at that time of the year, it's beginning to cool down. And it can be just beautiful when you get out there under the stars. But maybe you've wondered, "Does God like camping?" I think there's a passage in scripture that says, "Yes, He does." It's in Psalm 34. And Psalm 34, He tells us very clearly that He does enjoy it. He says this, "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them."

Now, if you looked up that word encamp in the Hebrew, it literally means to pitch a tent. So imagine that if you can just open your imagination just a little bit, that when we're going through life, and we are dealing with the challenges that face us, we've got a God that pitches a tent all around us. And He protects us from the weather and the rain and the challenges of life. And it says, "He delivers us." He delivers us. 

And this has an interesting connection all the way to the end of the book that, ultimately, we know God, the Father, is going to dwell with us. And that dwelling is like camping. It's like pitching a tent abiding with us, being together with us. And so we have that consistent message throughout Scripture, that even now, God oversees our life, encamps around us, to help us, protect us, and deliver us. As we look forward to that ultimate time, when God the Father will be with us and tabernacle and dwell with us and camp with us, forever.

That's BT Daily. See you next time.