Good News Magazine: January - February 2014

Table of Contents

The Good News - March/April 2013
3 minutes
What is God's purpose for families? It's spelled out in the Bible, but most overlook it.
A family praying together.
15 minutes
With the advancement of technology and social media, the family unit is disconnecting and fragmenting. You can build or restore family closeness with...
A family photo of many family members.
9 minutes
Do you know the ultimate purpose for the family? When you know that purpose, it can transform your family's relationships!
A young couple - woman in the foreground, man in the background blurred.
6 minutes
Just a few short years ago she was dressed in a long white dress and he in a tuxedo, confetti was flying, and everyone was cheering and celebrating...
A couple hugging and kissing.
1 minute
Several years ago country singer and songwriter Clint Black recorded an insightful song that he titled "Something That We Do." The lyrics apparently...
An older couple walking on a board walk while sun is setting.
7 minutes
Why do some marriages last while others don't? I've learned some important lessons in my own journey of 40 years.
A little girl sitting on a concrete step.
8 minutes
Many children today are in constant danger due to neglect, warfare, disease and starvation. So many have little regard for the most vulnerable among...
A woman sitting outside beneath a tree reading to her two children.
9 minutes
As a Christian parent, what can you do to encourage your children to follow Jesus Christ?
An old weather, stained American flag.
13 minutes
Is America still "the land of the free and the home of the brave"? For a long time the United States was the envy of the world—even its enemies paying...
A man holding a $5 dollar bill.
9 minutes
Has America become a nation dependent on government handouts? The evidence increasingly points that way.
Older hands on top of a Bible.
5 minutes
Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:11, "The poor you have with you always." Does this mean we ignore those less well off, or that we acknowledge the poor...
9 minutes
The apostle John was in exile on the island of Patmos when he received the vision he recorded as the book of Revelation. His glimpses of heaven reveal...
A man holding a Bible.
10 minutes
Jesus Christ told His followers to proclaim the gospel throughout the world, teach those whom God would call and care for His people. How did He...
A man standing in a field.
12 minutes
God is calling you to a special relationship with Him like no other. Answering that call will change your life, enriching it in the present and...
A young mother holding a Bible and reading the Bible.
14 minutes
The entire universe stands as witness to the awesome mind behind its existence. It was clearly created by a Creator, and that Creator labels any who...
A round red heart laying on wood table.
5 minutes
Valentine's Day has long been hugely popular as a romantic tradition despite its ancient and unseemly origins. So what's wrong with celebrating this...
2 minutes
The direction of international events in the time ahead of us is vitally important for all people.
3 minutes
As things now stand, the United States has virtually ceased to be the global policeman it once was.
2 minutes
Of potentially greater concern than the Middle East minefield are the serious straits besetting U.S. President Barack Obama and his administration.
2 minutes
During the last few years, threats to the survival of the euro have proved a principal factor in stirring up right-wing movements in opposition to...
2 minutes
A feature article in the Financial Times quoted Georgian diplomat and foreign policy analyst Alexander Rondeli as joking "that while Russians may not...
2 minutes
Following on from October 2012 when Superstorm Sandy struck New Jersey and New York, leaving behind a trail of destruction, one particular typhoon in...
6 minutes
Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the January/February 2014 issue.