United Church of God

Our War Against Satan

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Our War Against Satan

MP3 Audio (37.14 MB)


Our War Against Satan

MP3 Audio (37.14 MB)

Join us for this excellent video Sermon on the war Satan is waging against us all. Do we have to power to turn Satan's broadcasting off? If God's kingdom is in this world now, why do we have all these problems? The answers to these questions and a whole lot more in this excellent video message.


  • lizbrooks1980
    Excellent message Mr. de Campos! God used you to give the enemy's battle plan in an easy to understand message. As you said we must watch out for the enemy like we watch out for clean and unclean foods. Turning off the enemy's message like we turn off the radio/tv was also a spectacular example. So many of us don't see the invisible warfare going on around us and we must start to or we will be the virgins who don't make it into the wedding banquet, as you showed from Scripture. We must see ourselves as soldiers in battle armor at all times. The enemy never takes a rest and waits for us to do just that. Thank you for letting God use you to communicate this message.
  • Jorge de Campos
    HI Liz, Good evening. I am grateful that the message is coming across the way I intended - to make us more aware of our common Adversary. We are all equally threatened... and I need to personally remind myself of it all the time. You be safe and keep on the look out. May God's grace and peace be with you. - Jorge
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