Good News Magazine: January - February 2001

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In This Issue

  • by Good News
The Balfour Declaration (1917), the British document that formed the basis for an upsurge of Jewish immigration to Palestine, stated that nothing should be done with regard to a (potential) Jewish national home that might be detrimental to ethnic communities in the area.
  • by Melvin Rhodes
Are we witnessing the end of the nation whose people, "relative to their numbers, contributed more to civilization than any other people since the ancient Greeks and Romans"?
  • by Darris McNeely
The next four years could bring thorny problems for America's leadership role in the world. The next president will face the consequences of missed opportunities in the 1990's.
  • by John Elliott
Why, after political leaders' perennial promises to fix all our problems, are the obstacles still with us? Why, when so many hope and labor for positive change, does it remain tantalizingly out of reach?
  • by Good News
Israel's former prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, draws attention to a major cause of the conflict in the Mideast in his book A Place Among the Nations.
  • by John Ross Schroeder
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem," urged Israel's King David 3,000 years ago (Psalm 122:6). Seeking a peaceful solution to the Mideast problem is the concern, if not the prayer, of many world leaders. But peace in the Holy Land has, over the centuries, been in remarkably short supply.
  • by Darris McNeely
Recent fighting in and around Jerusalem is only the latest in centuries of invasions, sieges, conquests and destruction. Bible prophecy tells us that Jerusalem will continue to play a major role in end-time world events.
  • by John Ross Schroeder, Melvin Rhodes
"The risk of a missile attack against the United States involving chemical, biological or nuclear warheads is greater today than during most of the Cold War and will continue to grow in the next 15 years, says a new global threat assessment by the National Intelligence Council," writes Vernon Loeb in a Washington Post article.
  • by Melvin Rhodes
"Political uncertainty over the presidency is to be expected in some of the poorer, less political stable nations. People do not expect to see the same in the richest nation in the world."