United Church of God

Our Spiritual Blessings From God

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Our Spiritual Blessings From God

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Our Spiritual Blessings From God

MP3 Audio (23.21 MB)

Although God does not owe human beings anything for their behavior He is pleased to bless people... materially & spiritually. Let's take a close look at blessing from the bible: who blesses who, how we receive blessings, how we give blessings, physical versus spiritual blessings, and finally how the flow of blessing can influence our prayers.


What Are Spiritual Blessings From God

Today we are going to take a close look at blessing from the bible: who blesses who, how we receive blessings, how we give blessings, physical versus spiritual blessings, and finally how the flow of blessing can influence our prayers.

Blessings can be understood as the free flow of good things [both spiritual and material] from God to human --> from human to God --> from human to human. 

God Blesses Human [God Blesses You]

When God blesses human beings He grants, bestows, makes possible material prosperity or a state of well-being that is emotional, intellectual, and spiritual in effect. It should be considered as a close cousin of "grace" or God's unearned favor. 

Some Ways God Blesses

We can look at blessings in terms of getting what we need for a satisfying life. For example: living to a ripe old age in health, relative affluence, power. They include matters of creation and life. For example: personal fertility [family and children], large herds of livestock [wealth], lots of crops [abundant food]. This was very much the nature of God's promised blessings within the context of the Sinai covenant.

Blessings "from God" could be:

  • God's use of His transcendent power to over-ride the physical laws of the created universe... intervening on your behalf to make sure certain blessings occur.
  • The inevitable results of confirming your life to His commands, statues, and judgments. God commands should be understood as the laws that govern the material universe... "do these things and it will go well with you". Even people who do not worship God, and do not accept the bible as His word are blessed and benefited when they obey those aspects of God's law that they are able to figure out on their own Romans 1:20, Romans 2:12-14.

Some Reasons God Blesses

Although God does not owe human beings anything for their behavior He is pleased to bless people and within the old covenant context makes it clear He blesses people for keeping His laws Deuteronomy 7:12-14. An important sub-category would be those who seek wisdom Proverbs 8:13,33 [tuning in to the way things really are].

God's interaction with Israel took these material blessings very seriously [they were presented as proof of God’s faithfulness to His covenant promises] …  Israel also enjoyed  spiritual blessings but the material received greater emphasis. The were How God would “prove” and provide a witness of His presence, His commandments, His reality through Israel.

For those of us in a new covenant relationship with God greater emphasis is put on the spiritual blessings... but, the the material blessings God provides are also present. In addition to obedience the NT writings add a few important ideas that feed into understanding who God blesses:

  1. those who are faithful [Hebrews 11:20 Revelation 16:15]
  2. those who endure through suffering and trial, James 1:12, Matthew 5:11]
  3. those who believe the truth [hold fast to enlightenment] Matthew 13:16 Luke 10:23, 11:27.

Humans Bless God [You Bless God]

The Hebrew word for blessing [literally means "bended knee"]. A picture which may signal that the concept of blessing may have started with the idea of human beings blessing/praising God... although the biblical record clearly emphasizes God's blessings upon humans.

A Greek word translated bless is eulogeo [literal: to speak well of].  Both the Hebrew and Greek words for bless are the same for God blessing man as for man blessing God. In many modern translations humans blessing God is translated as “praising God” [the functional equivalent].

Human beings bless God through expressions of honor, worship, declarations of devotion, admiration, and love. The bible often uses the phrase "blessed be YHWH",  Psalm 28:6, Genesis 14:20.

Humans Bless Humans [You Bless Others]

Granting or giving of blessings is not always between humans and God.  It is also an aspect of our interactions among one another. For example:

  1. A aged or dying parent might make a transfer of personal goods, family authority to their children. That same parent might call upon God for blessing upon his children. Think of Jacob's blessings upon his sons.
  2. Spiritual leaders [priests] might offer a blessing 1) upon the people, or upon the nation Leviticus 9:23, Numbers 6:23-27, Deuteronomy 10:8, 21:5, 1 Samuel 2:20.
  3. A person might speak a blessing upon a person of higher authority, status, of of good moral character -  2 Samuel 14:22, Deuteronomy 24:13.

Although the blessing is from human to human there is an understanding of the spiritual nature such blessings. God is the unspoken third party in the blessing.

Blessing as Intercession on Behalf of Others

Blessings offered between humans are a form of intercession... we act as an intermediary, or a go between … where God is the unstated party in the transaction.

So , you might present a person to God in prayer as someone worthy of His attention, or kindness etc. ... “bless the king because he is worthy”, “bless my creditor because he is kind”. We’ll look at this in even more detail later.

An intercessor recognizes God as the source of all the benefits we need and desire so much… and an intercessor seeks them out for the sake of the other person.

In the new covenant this concept continues to have strength when we consider the risen Christ acting as intercessor, and high priest on our behalf. But also in the call we have to minister to one another... friend and foe alike. Matthew 5:44 says "love your enemies, bless those who persecute you".

So, we are told to bless others… praise, honor, and intercede.

Spiritual Blessings Expanded Addition

New covenant believers still want and need God’s blessings on our health, we want blessings on our livelihood, we want reap the results of honest work, we want protection and more. However, the new covenant emphasis is upon the spiritual blessings we experience through Christ Ephesians 1:3. The letter goes on to spell these out:

Verse 4 Chosen to be holy and blameless in His sight

God’s plan of spiritual creation is moral and ethical in nature: 1) moral in that it provides guidance, correction, and standards for what you do 2) ethical in that it reaches beyond outward appearance to the thoughts and motives behind your actions.

  1. Holiness means to be pure and worthy of honor. Holiness emphasizes the positive/outgoing aspects of moral and ethical behavior [do what is good]. For example: be generous to those in need.
  2. Blameless implies staying free from aspects of character that would taint you... render you less pure and less worthy of honor. Blamelessness emphasizes the restraining and self control aspect of your moral/ethical nature [don’t do evil]. For example: don’t lie to one another.

God’s blessing [through Christ] draws you to Him and allows you to tap into the truth of the universe revealed directly by the Creator of the universe. You do not have to struggle and search in darkness looking for meaning. God gives you the answer... He has told you what its all about, where its headed, and how to get there. That is a blessing... and not everybody has it.

Verse 5--6 God's set plan from before creation is that we become part of His family

The progression of salvation --> redemption --> resurrection and --> immortality has been made plain to you… AND God has let you know that "this plan" leads to some real benefits

Some we enjoy in the flesh... most that we look forward to in a future state of spirit born life.  Some we understand now... others we will only understand when they happen.

But, we are given important points to consider and look forward to:

We will be like Him... we will be born of spirit... we will no longer subject to death... we will be filled with joy, peace and every good thing, and [as first fruits] we will have certain status within the universe. Read verse 12 an expectation of future glory.

We do not know all things that pertain to eternal life… But, through God’s word and spirit, you are not left in darkness and futility as to what lays beyond. That is a blessing... and not everyone has it.

Verse 7 Knowledge of redemption and forgiveness

While we are yet in the flesh it is good to know that the consequences of your mess ups do not have to be permanent. You are not doomed because of sins. Through Christ you can be forgiven and redeemed.

If you have fallen down God is more than happy to help you back to your feet so that you can live, and learn, and grow in grace and knowledge.

Without God and Christ human beings don't have that understanding... it a great spiritual blessing that we benefit from here and now... its not only something way off in the future.

Verse 13b Receipt of God's holy spirit

The receiving of God's holy spirit is the sign of God's choosing and acceptance. God gives us the rite/ceremony of baptism in the flesh as an official entrance into a life giving covenant with Him. The spirit of God has benefits in the flesh: conviction of right and wrong, understanding of God's written revelation, insight etc. It is also a pledge from God of the spirit born life we are looking forward to.

This is a blessing for today... set  for even greater realization when we are raised to life again.

Ephesians 1:15-20 Use This Information in Prayer

Offer thanks and gratitude that you have been placed in a body of people who share in, believe in, and walk in these spiritual blessings we have in Christ. You do not have to be alone... God provides fellowship and solidarity through the Church. Take advantage of it... be here on the Sabbath… you do not have to be alone.

Intercede on behalf of others… ask that they be filled with the spirit of wisdom and insight gained from having these spiritual blessings. Ask that they gain wisdom and insight … on things spiritual and on worldly matters [job, family, community etc].

Ask on behalf of other members… ask that they be filled with a good understanding of the truth God reveals through His word. The bible addresses… and answers… many points  about the reality of human existence that cannot be understood through science &, observation of the created world, philosophy & human reason, or man-made religious disciplines which actually offer deceptive lies. 

Doctrine matters, pray that you and others understand… None of us would know about God's plan for glory through salvation if He had not revealed it through His word. Without it there are no lasting spiritual blessings.

Pray that others  experience the power of God’s spirit in their daily lives… 

Pray that they see and acknowledge that this power at work in their lives is the same power that caused Jesus Christ to rise from the dead Romans 8:11. Jesus Christ has risen - an event attested to by many witnesses and recorded for the ages in scripture.