United Church of God

The Message of the Two Witnesses: A Final Proclamation of God's Truth

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The Message of the Two Witnesses

a Final Proclamation of God's Truth

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The Message of the Two Witnesses: A Final Proclamation of God's Truth

MP3 Audio (34.76 MB)

During the 1,260 days preceding the return of Christ there will be a final proclamation of God's word of truth. What will be the nature of that message?


God has told us that prior to the return of Jesus Christ in power, there will be a distinct and discern-able period of 3.5 years [1,260 days]. We will know when this period of time is upon us by the following series of events and circumstances:

  1. A worldwide power structure will be established with total control over the lives of all people on the planet: military, police, business, religion. This state will be granted its absolute power from Satan. In the bible this final world government is called "the beast" [Revelation 13:5]
  2. The military and police forces of the Beast will occupy [trample] Jerusalem [Revelation 11:2, Matthew 24:15, and Luke 21:20]
  3. The public ministry of the Church of God will have ceased. What little strength and power they once had to witness to the truth of God, and His calling to repentance will be broken [Daniel 12:7]
  4. Some of the Church God will be deems eligible for protection and go into hiding in what is known as "a place of safety" [Revelation 12:14]. The remaining portion of His Church will be subject to direct persecution from Satan. Who will accomplish this working through the government power of the Beast
  5. All the flesh and blood descendants of Jacob will be persecuted and violently oppressed [Jeremiah 30:7, Matthew 24:21]

There is one more event that will occur during this 3.5 year period. Our purpose today will be to review the final, global witness of God's truth accomplished by those who are known as "the two witnesses" Revelation 11:1-14.

The Final Witness

The active work of the Church of God will be shut down sometime immediately prior to this final time of great distress. However,  An ongoing witness of God's word during this time of great distress will be performed by two human beings known only to us as the "two witnesses".

This final call to repentance and warning of the immanent return of Christ is accompanied by great demonstration of God's power. In some ways it is a foretaste of the tremendous power that is coming to establish and enforce the rule of God on earth.

One obvious reason for this great demonstration of power is that without it the people of earth would kill these two men. Which is the same reason the people of the Church need to be hidden in a place of safety. If the church is not protected by God they will be put to death.

A Message Both Sweet & Bitter

Revelation 10 provides us with a preamble to the prophecy of the two witnesses. In chapter 10 we learn about the nature of the message God's servants are tasked with proclaiming. It relates to the message of the two witnesses... it also relates to the message of the Church of God today [which you are part of]. God's message is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, although He may use different techniques to get it across at different times in human history. Presently, He is using the Church but that will not always be the case.

Revelation 10:1-4 John heard some information but was told to NOT write it down. Some things about the unfolding plan of God are not for anyone to know at this time. Some information about spirit born eternal life is unknown, certain data about future prophecy remains hidden... specific names, specific dates, how will this work, how will that work.

We do have clues that:

Allow us to look back in hindsight and understand an event was foreordained

Allow us to start connecting the dots as the time of the end draws near. Daniel 12:4,9 indicates knowledge will increase at the time of the end… this could also mean knowledge about prophetic fulfillment. 

Revelation 10: 5-7 this awe inspiring being is telling John about what happens when the time is finally up… just before and leading up to the final trumpet.

Revelation 10:8-11 John is told to eat the scroll... ingest it, put it within himself... his body has two different reactions:

  1. The message is sweet to the taste in his mouth: God's righteous judgments, His marvelous plan of redemption, His prophetic promises of justice, equity, mercy, love, and righteousness are pleasing to the soul!
  2. Once digested the message causes bitter distress to the stomach: Because once a person is brought to an understanding of sin, how pervasive it is, what is necessary to actually confront it and overcome sin... there can be great distress... prophecies of peace also promise a direct and distressing confrontation with sin. The complete word of God is mostly rejected by flesh and blood.

People want the justice, peace, equality, and brotherly love... but don't want to perform the works necessary to make those ideals a reality. The message about the good outcomes is sweet... but the information about judgment, and destruction for those who refuse to change is bitter.

John [an apostle and leader in the Church of God] is told to take this message to the world… and john did just that. The Church has continued to do just that for almost 2,000 years… and the Church's proclamation of the true word of God has lead to: rejection, mockery, times of persecution, sometimes the death of God's servants. However, there is a time coming in God's timeline when the commission of the Church will be finished.

That time when the Church’s commission is over has not yet come. It is still our job to take the truth of God to nations, races, and kings. You are part of that work. 1) financial support 2) providing a place where people can come to learn and live the truth of God... our local church gatherings.

Pray that you be found doing your part in the commission until the very end. And pray that when the time comes to close up shop and flee that you be among those God will protect. Part of the Church will be protected in a place of safety.... and part will not Revelation 12:14-17.

The Two Witnesses Will Prophesy

Revelation 11:3-4 When the witness of God's word of truth is handed over to the two witnesses we are told they will prophesy. They will point out their sin, call to repentance and obedience, and announce the coming wrath of God which is to be poured out after the 7th [and final] trumpet is sounded.

Just as 2 witnesses are required in court before a person can be condemned, 2 witnesses are provided by God when time comes to condemn the worthless governments, religions, and culture devised by  humanity.

Revelation 11:5-6 The two witnesses are given power and authority.

The fire that "comes forth from their mouths" is to protect them from physical harm... from angry mobs, and the police power of the state which seeks to execute them. These are the same violent forces God must protect His people from during the 3.5 year tribulation.

Note: the fire is said to "come from their mouths" which probably means they are able to call out and request fire strikes from the sky [like Elijah or Elisha].

They are also able to call for droughts, plagues, and turning water into blood... presumably to get people's attention for the rest of what they are commissioned to say [again, like Elijah]. Note: in this way the two witnesses seem to be like the "Elijah yet to come" spoken of by Jesus.  

The Two Witnesses Will Be Killed

Revelation 11:7 at the end of the 3.5 years they will be executed by the political entity known only to us as"the beast"… an all-powerful world government backed up by the power of Satan.

Revelation 11:8-10 the place of execution will be Jerusalem. Their dead bodies of the two witnesses will lay dead and be on public display for 3.5 days [televised, or streaming video?]. The people of the earth will rejoice and declare a worldwide celebration.

I believe the all powerful global government will want the dead bodies on display as a show of power and triumph. Demonstrating that human government and human self determination is greater than the commandments of some unseen God and His unwelcome judgments.

The people rejoice because they believe they can escape judgment if they simply silence the voices of God’s messengers. That is the common thread of human history; The two witnesses [now dead], before them the Church of God [now silenced and driven into hiding], Jesus at His first coming, and earlier the ancient prophets who were murdered and persecuted.

Deceived humanity believes that If they can simply silence the voice of truth and judgment, whether by mockery, intimidation, or violence if necessary... then we can be truly free.

The Two Cities

Revelation 16:19 - the beast power is closely identified with a mighty city: Babylon the Great. They kill the two witnesses in the other great city of the earth: Jerusalem, the city of God.

For 3.5 years Jerusalem is occupied by the forces of the beast, trampled upon, and the last two prophets of God are publicly executed in the city square. The last gasp of Godly truth, and voice of judgment appears to have finally been snuffed out. Victory is finally won!

Revelation 11:11-14 the dead bodies of the two witnesses which are still on public display begin to stir, they get back up on their feet, and rise to meet a voice that calls to them from the clouds.

Revelation 11:15-19 this resurrection of the two witnesses appears to be concurrent with the resurrection that comes at the final trumpet of God! 1 Thessalonians 4:16

The preaching of the two witnesses ends when they are executed 3.5 days before the 7th and final trumpet is sounded to announce the greatest event in the history of the earth:

  1. Announces the return of Christ
  2. Announces the resurrection of the children of God
  3. Announces the pouring out of God's righteous wrath and judgment upon the evil governments and institutions devised by futile human imagination

God’s judgment cannot be so easily defeated as killing the two witnesses are driving away the Church of God. The great city of Babylon and all that she represents will be permanently obliterated. Whereas the great city of Jerusalem will be restored, rebuilt, and used as the great center of Godly government.

  1. True worship and life giving instruction will emanate from this city
  2. It will become the seat of all powerful, righteous, authority over the entire earth

God’s righteous rule cannot be stopped.

Matthew 24:14 Jesus taught his disciples about this future fulfillment. You have been taught about it today. The end is not here... but its coming. Now is not the time to give up. Now is the time to finish and complete the work God has given to us as a church to do.