Executive Order

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Executive Order

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Executive Order

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What does amnesty for immigrants have to do with my executive orders?



[Steve Myers] Recently, President Obama made an executive order – an order that would give amnesty for undocumented immigrants that have been living in the United States. And of course, the political world has exploded with all kinds of different opinions on whether this is even legal, if he has the right to do this, if the Constitution even gives him the ability to make this order take place. And so, republicans, democrats, even those all in between are discussing whether or not this is something that is legal. Is this something that the president should do? Is this something that, as an executive, he has the power to do? And so the debate is raging on, and I'm sure it will continue to rage on as they try to figure out if this order can actually be implemented.

Now, one of the things that I was thinking about when it comes to executive orders – you know, the chief executive of the United States is the president. But as Christians, in our life, who is our chief executive? And in fact, as we think about the chief executive in our life, has He given us executive orders? I think as you hear the debate go on – and probably will go on and on – think about executive orders in your life. And if you begin to think about that, a passage that came to my mind is over in the book of 1 John. And in 1 John, we're given executive orders, and those orders all revolve around the love of God. God our Creator, our ultimate Executive, says this in 1 John 5:2. He says, "By this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep His commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments, and His commandments are not burdensome."

So as His people, we have been given executive orders. Do you understand those executive orders? Have you studied God's commands? Do you understand that love that He has for us is exhibited in obedience and in keeping the ultimate executive orders – those orders of love? And so, as you hear about the debate in the United States about the immigration policy, I hope you'll turn it around and not just look at it in a political way, but that you can look at it in a spiritual way that impacts your life, and then think, I have to keep the executive order of love.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.