Beyond Today Magazine
September–October 2024
The news is full of one major shakeup after another. As the near future seems ever more uncertain and dangerous, some are recognizing that the way to true security and prosperity is a return to true values found in the Bible, particularly the laws of God as summarized in the Ten Commandments. Yet the world is being drawn headlong by demonic forces led by Satan to try to overturn and destroy these fundamentals as part of a war on the reality God has created. The forces of evil will advance for a time, but they will not win. Ultimately, Jesus Christ will return to defeat evil and rule the world, as pictured in the biblical fall festivals, leading the world into obedience to the laws of God. Read in this issue of the gateway to the true peaceful utopia man has long dreamt of, leaving behind the false promises of the wayward past. Download this issue in PDF. Individual articles will be posted in the upcoming days.
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