Has America's Time Passed?

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Has America's Time Passed?

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America’s influence in the Middle East has taken a massive hit. The result is chaos, uprooted populations, and the end of a nearly 100-year order of nations that despite many wars and unresolved disputes was at least a manageable ongoing crisis. We see in the present regional conflicts what happens when the United States decides to forego directly using using its historic influence to promote freedom and the rule of law.

“It’s the lowest ebb since World War II for U.S. influence and engagement in the region,” said Ryan Crocker, a career diplomat who served as U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Pakistan (“America’s Fading Footprint in the Middle East,” Wall Street Journal, Oct. 10, 2015). “If you look at the heart of the Middle East, where the U.S. once was, we are now gone—and in our place, we have Iran, Iran’s Shiite proxies, Islamic State and the Russians,” added Mr. Crocker. “What had been a time and place of U.S. ascendancy we have ceded to our adversaries” (ibid.).

In 2003 a United States initiated coalition invaded Iraq with the pretense of stopping Saddam Hussein’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. Hussein was an unsavory character, but in the complex matrix of the regional power structure he was a force that kept total chaos from descending. Iraq was broken, and America and its allies could not put it back together. Today, American troops are gone. Iraq, as it once was, no longer exists. The country has been truncated by ISIS and is barely holding on to its existing territory.

And now Russia has placed a military footprint in Syria and is working to support the corrupt regime of President Bashir Al-Assad. The Obama administration has repeatedly called for Assad to step down, but the demand has little effect. Iran is fighting proxy battles throughout the region and is working against America interests in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. The recent agreement with Iran to put on “hold” its nuclear program is seen by many, including the state of Israel, to be an act of appeasement that which will allow Iran to grow stronger and even more dangerous. Many suspect Iran will continue developing a nuclear weapon in spite of the agreement. This will spark a nuclear arms race among other nations. Iran has clearly stated its intentions for Israel, and its actions show it intends to be a major power broker within the region. All of this continues while America’s influence lessens. President Obama may say his policy is successful, but events in the region are moving against American interests and are creating conditions that could easily escalate to more war and instability.

America’s historic world role has been to build orderly systems of government and alliances that promote economic and political freedom and secure relations. History shows when it withdraws its presence and its influence, another less benign power enters and creates disorder. That is what is happening in the Middle East today.The world grows darker as America retreats.

There are larger spiritual issues at work in our world. Spiritual blindness has overtaken America’s leaders. The reason is described by the prophet Isaiah: “Inasmuch as these people draw near with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but have removed their hearts far from me, and their fear toward Me is taught by the commandment of men, therefore, behold, I will again do a marvelous work among this people, a marvelous work and a wonder; for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hidden” (Isaiah 29:13-14). America’s leaders are spiritually blind, they do not know God and their hearts are set agains His purpose and plan. The foreign policy of this nation lacks a critical spiritual understanding rooted in the Bible. that is why it is incoherently stumbling on the world stage. God is allowing other nations--Russia, Iran, China--to encircle like scavengers waiting to pounce and deliver a final blow, ending its prominent position among nations.

This is critical moment for America. It is a time for national repentance. It is a time to acknowledge the God of heaven. Beyond Today is starting a series of national public appearances to take this warning message to our audience. We are going to explain today’s world in biblical language that offers you, and any who will listen and heed, understanding about today’s world scene and what each of us can do to live with hope in this world.

Plan to come out in Dallas, San Antonio, or Houston, Texas, on Oct. 20, 22, and 25 to learn what God wants to do in your life. Sign up now for these life changing messages you can hear in person.

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