Outer Shell

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Outer Shell

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We put a lot of time into our appearance because we know that people notice beauty. There is nothing wrong with trying to present oneself and be "the best that we can be." However there is much, much more to a person than the outer appearance. In almost everything in life, the outer appearance is good to notice, but that is far from the whole story.

For us humans, it is the heart that counts—the inner man. That sort of beauty does not fade with age. Paul asked: "Do you look at things according to the outward appearance?" (2 Corinthians 10:7). Jesus noted the outer appearance of some leaders and knew that inside was nothing good (Matthew 23:26-28). He said to clean the inside first—then the outside will also be clean.

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  • Barbara Abbott
    I totally agree! We need to be clean and neat on the outside, but what is on the inside is what makes us beautiful. God knows what He is doing!
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