It seems like every family has a different way of keeping the Sabbath. How should I determine how to keep the Sabbath?

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It seems like every family has a different way of keeping the Sabbath. How should I determine how to keep the Sabbath?

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This is an important question and one that is very important to our relationship with God. The Sabbath was made for man (Mark 2:28) and God fellowships with us during this time that He made holy (1 John 1:3). The best way to determine how to observe the Sabbath is to consider God's instructions regarding it.

While we can't cover all of the scriptures referring to the Sabbath in this short space, here are a few key principles to help you begin determining how God would have you observe this day.

First, we note in Exodus 20:8 that it is a day to "keep holy." This means the Sabbath is special—unlike other days. One way we are to make the Sabbath special is by ceasing from our normal work that we do throughout the week (Hebrews 4:9-10). Isaiah 58 is a good primer on our attitudes toward keeping the Sabbath. Here we find that we are not to seek our own pleasure and that we should look upon the Sabbath as a "delight." The Sabbath is a time to honor God instead of doing our normal activities.

The scriptures we have noted form a good basis for determining what to do or not do on the Sabbath. In keeping with these principles, on the Sabbath many people choose not to watch television (other than news programs) and to listen to different types of music (inspiring in nature) than they normally listen to. Many also choose to spend extra time in study and prayer on this day.

We hope these principles will help you make good decisions about how to observe the Sabbath. If you want to study this subject in greater depth, we recommend our free booklet, Sunset to Sunset—God's Sabbath Rest.

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  • Ivan Veller

    Hello, while there is no instruction regarding special types of food to be eaten on the Sabbath, we do have the general instruction that the day is to be "''a time of cessation from work, a holy Sabbath to the LORD. Whatever you want to bake, bake today [NET note: "the word 'today' is implied from the context"]; whatever you want to boil, boil today; whatever is left put aside for yourselves to be kept until morning''" (Exodus 16:23, NET 2006).

  • reverendcady

    I too am confused somewhat about observing the Sabbath day in respect to the "not working" part, specifically regarding the consumption of food and the preperation of meals to be consumed on the Sabbath day. I know a little about the Jewish faith and if I am correct, at least to some extent, they prepare their meals before hand in accordance with the "normal or regular work done daily" otherwise. Also, is there any specific types of foods that should not be eaten as required in the Feast of Unleavened Bread? I also understand according to one of your booklets about "clean and unclean" foods, pork, some types of fish etc. are prohibited. I could use some insight on this situation.

  • Skip Miller

    Hello again reverandcady,

    If you have not yet read "God's Sabbath Rest" I highly recommend it.
    But even then I am sure that you will have some questions. The way my wife & I really began to understand was by attending services & asking others who we began to know and like, how they did certain physical things not spelled out in God's Word.
    God's Way makes so much sense! What a real blessing it is!

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