Giving Birth in Iraq

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Giving Birth in Iraq

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Amir Taheri has written a formidable article on Iraq in the June issue of Commentary magazine. You will not read anything like it in the main stream media. Taheri is an expert on Iraq and a former editor of the largest newspaper in Iran.  He knows the ground and writes with a clarifying  precision.  Here is one example:

What all of this demonstrates is that, contrary to received opinion, Operation Iraqi Freedom was not an attempt to impose democracy by force. Rather, it was an effort to use force to remove impediments to democratization, primarily by deposing a tyrant who had utterly suppressed a well-established aspect of the countrys identity. It may take years before we know for certain whether or not post-liberation Iraq has definitely chosen democracy. But one thing is certain: without the use of force to remove the Baathist regime, the people of Iraq would not have had the opportunity even to contemplate a democratic future.

You can read the entire article here.

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