Jesus for President?

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Jesus for President?

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From humble beginnings, Jesus soon attracts a large following as He travels from town to town, publicly proclaiming a message of hope and comfort (Mark 10:1, Luke 9:11). He visits schools, hospitals and nursing homes instead of politically strategic locations. People clearly sense His profound compassion for the needy and a genuine interest in people of all ages (Matthew 9:35-36).

He champions the cause of the needy and advocates uncompromising justice, truth and mercy (Luke 4:18-21). He speaks out against corruption and scandal and other contemporary problems (Matthew 21:12-13). He promises a future of unparalleled peace, prosperity and happiness, all rooted in universal religious reform (Micah 4:1-5, Isaiah 9:7).

Many are deeply impressed by the clarity of His convictions and His authoritative answers to controversial questions (Matthew 7:28-29). He expounds, espouses and exemplifies all the qualities of a truly effective leader and exposes the empty promises and hypocrisy of self-serving power seekers (Luke 22:24-27).

His candor and courage earn Him widespread popularity and the support of the silent majority, resulting in scorn and attack from the powerful leaders of many special interest groups because of his authoritative and outspoken statements regarding universal truths and moral values (Matthew 7:24-29). But Jesus cleverly sidesteps the snares of those seeking to entrap him with leading questions on controversial issues (Matthew 22:15-22), emerging as the hands down winner of every politically charged public debate (Matthew 22:46).

Cheering crowds with banners and placards are drawn to Him like metal filings to a magnet. "Jesus for President" begins to appear on bumper stickers and billboards all over the nation (Matthew 21:1-8, Luke 12:12-16). Television cameras and reporters follow His every move.

Jesus Christ is clearly the ideal candidate for the highest office in the land. But when the time and opportunity comes to declare His candidacy, everyone is shocked by His refusal to run for the nomination of any political party or on any independent ticket.

At a nationally televised press conference, He explains His position. Political analysts puzzle over his statement, "My campaign for change transcends the realm of human politics" (John 18:36). In His typically enigmatic style (Matthew 13:34-35), He implies that His present whirlwind of public appearances will soon be over but that, at a future time, He will again rise to political prominence. He then associates His destiny with a gripping story about a world leader's extended trip to a distant destination to prepare for the future office He will accept (Luke 19:11-27).

Reporters swarm around Him, wanting to know more about His future plans. He assures them that everyone will know when He returns (Matthew 24:23-28, Revelation 11:15).

Afterward, He privately tells His followers that His time is yet to come (Acts 1:6-11). He promises His faithful devotees important roles in His future administration (John 14:1-3, Daniel 7:22, 27). But He stresses the point that they must live by and share the values He has taught them. By their example they will exhibit their strong support of His future plans (Matthew 5:1-10; Revelation 2:26, 3:21).

Jesus Christ is the ideal candidate, not for a current president of the United States, but as the future sovereign ruler over all creation (Revelation 19:16). The coming universal rule of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords is certain. It will happen right on schedule (Daniel 2:44-45). It does not depend on political endorsements or voting results. So although Jesus for President is not a current option, His prophesied role as the coming King of kings and Lord of lords is a fundamental truth of the gospel of the Kingdom of God.

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