A Smile From God

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A Smile From God

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Imagine a technology that silenced barking dogs, protected workers in the machine room and let everyone sing in the shower.

Sound cloaking

imageToo amazing to be true? Not according to "Experts Unveil 'Cloak of Silence'" on the BBC News home page.

Researchers at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain have described a new technology that could potentially allow objects to be made totally soundproof. They work with "sonic crystals" that can theoretically be arranged in specific ways to divert all sound waves around an object. If the technology proves viable, noisy neighbors may become a thing of the past as soundproof homes, stealth warships and silent cars reach production.

Sight cloaking

Taking one step further, other research has dabbled with the idea of an "invisibility cloak." This technology would similarly bend light rays around an object, making it seem invisible to the eye. While cloaking objects from visible light would be much more complex than concealing objects from sound waves, researchers are busily pursuing the goal of cloaking technology.

Sound shields and invisibility cloaks belong in fantasy books about unicorns and space colonization, not articles in the daily news, right?

Yet, given humanity's insatiable thirst for knowledge and technological progress, it seems that any possible technology will be invented, given enough time, effort and research funding.

Government surveillance

What if these devices of science fiction are someday produced on a large scale? Given the nature of governments, it seems likely that such contraptions would inevitably be used.

Instead of debating about wiretapping laws and Internet spyware, what if you had to worry about your country's secret police actually hiding invisibly in the bedroom or watching you from that "empty" desk in the next room?

How would you modify your behavior if you knew that anytime, anywhere, someone important could be watching your every move? Would you clean up your language? Would you stop stealing pens from the supply closet? Would you think twice about picking your nose?

Who hears and sees all?

Whether these technological dreams of researchers and physicists ever make it to the marketplace is beside the point, in one sense, because someone important already is watching. The God who made both us and the universe we live in is keenly aware of what goes on in the world and needs no special technology to see us when we are alone. He knows our deepest secrets, sees our most embarrassing moments and is personally saddened by our every sin.

The ancient patriarchs described God's incredible knowledge and awareness this way: "His eyes are on the ways of men; he sees their every step... He views the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens" (Job 34:21 and 28:24, New International Version).

But, unlike the invisible secret police, God does not watch us to issue fines or arrest criminals. He watches like a parent watches children play, smiling as we learn and grow to be more like Him. He made our hearts and wants what is best for us. When we make mistakes, as our Father, He feels the disappointment.

Knowing that we are never truly alone and that our Creator cares enough to watch us every day should transform the way we live. Read "Stop, Look, Listen" to better envision this benevolent divine surveillance. Live each day in a way that brings a smile to the face of God. VT

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