Belong With the Few

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Belong With the Few

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Some are willing to work harder, think more, examine themselves frequently and determine to correct their faults and become better than they were. It is only the few who have the courage to do what is needed to become different than they once were. It is easier to swim with the current and flow. It is easier to walk the smooth downhill path that so many prefer.

Jesus said the gate is narrow and the way is difficult that leads to eternal life.

Knowing the hearts and disposition of men, He added, "And there are few who find it" (Matthew 7:14). Anyone can be one of the few if they are willing to seek God and then follow His directions. God tells us that if we knock, He will open, and if we seek, we will find (Matthew 7:7). He knows if we are completely sincere in our quest and if we have the courage that is needed as we live in Satan’s world. There is no cost too great to pay for the future God offers. Only few respond, but you can be one of them.

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  • Larry Hardison

    Something I learned long ago from a dear friend is that the hardest thing any man or woman can do is to change. Habits take about 28 days to form, however, fundamental change which was the point of the statement takes much longer, with more "pain", and often some undesirable consequences such as loss of friends, jobs, family relationships etc.

    Fundamental change is exactly was God the Father and our Savior Jesus Christ expects from us; and nothing less will do. For us to show our love for God we must be obedient to His commandments without compromise. We also must love to the point of dying for someone else if need be. Abraham gave up Isaac, his only son, as a sacrifice counting him as dead. So too did God the Father so that He might see many sons and daughters brought into His family.

  • nikakarnerblue

    I agree with this article. In society it is so easy for a person to sin. Being different and walking righteously in the name of the lord almost seem impossible. Since our lives here on earth is surround by sin I think each individual life is a true test of his or her faith.

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