United Church of God


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Total results: 44509.
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
Pictures of abuse of Iraqi prisoners of war by American servicemen and servicewomen have shocked the world. What are the implications for America and the war on terror?
Good News
by Good News
Speaking to the ancient Israelite ancestors of today's Anglo-American peoples, God gave them a choice, one that bears directly on the lack of leadership that plagues America today. You should read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28, which...
United News
John LaBissonierePeter Eddington
Considering how nearly all countries are currently afflicted by the Covid 19 Pandemic, it’s certainly possible that more people are searching for biblical answers about what lies ahead for the world.
[APRIL 8, 2020] – During the week of March 29-April 4, 2020, the Beyond Today television program, “The Message of the Antichrist,” generated the highest weekly response for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Its 661 total...
by Tim Pebworth
Petaluma, CA
Speaker: Mr. Pebworth 2/1/20 PowerPoint used during sermon is under the DOWNLOADS tab... ~ ~ ~ NOTE: The slide on the Greco-Macedonia empire incorrectly states the fall of the empire at 27 AD when it should have been 27 BC. ~ ~ ~ We...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
On this Fourth of July, Americans are striving for equality. The Bible reveals the true standard of equality.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely
Bible prophecies identify nations today that have been recipients of great promises.
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
We pray for the people of Haiti in their present suffering. May God speed the day of His intervention and the coming of the Kingdom of God.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely
Why are distressing events shaking the nation? Is God sending a message to its people? What should this mean to you?
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
Students of Bible prophecy have long searched the Scriptures to try to understand the times in which they live. Like Christ's disciples, we want to know what will be the signs of His coming in the power of the universe.
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
We're going to look at the "rest of the story" of Nineveh and take a close look at the Book of Nahum. What can we learn from Nahum's message to Nineveh? Does it have an end-time significance? Is it relevant for us today? Does it have an...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Learn biblical prophecies about a coming superpower that will challenge the United States and turn your world upside down.
