A Confused Glen Beck

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A Confused Glen Beck

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Last week I was watching Glen Beck’s popular news program on CNN. Glen is a conservative and engaging and articulate commentator. I enjoy his perspective and his enthusiasm. On this night he interviewed Dr. James Dobson about the state of American morality. It was a good interview with several interesting statements about the trends talking morality down. Particular notice was given to the success of the latest version of Grand Theft Auto, the wildly popular video game where one can hire a prostitute, engage in sexual relations and then kill her. Afterwards the virtual character can go down the street killing cops. Innocent fun for kids and adults to share together. Both Beck and Dobson clearly agreed such violent games added nothing to the social character. Right on Glen. But what struck me was the next guest Beck interviewed and the praise he heaped on her. Next up was Stephanie Meyer, a popular author of a series of vampire books for teens. You know what a vampire is, the living dead who prey on the blood of victims, usually attractive women victims. Meyer has written another book that deals with the possession of human bodies by alien beings. All these books are best sellers with a growing audience. Meyer has been called the American version of J.K. Rowling. What struck me was Glen Beck’s fawning praise for Meyers books. How can you go from criticizing the state of American morality in one segment to praising the fascination for literary worrks about vampires and spiritism? Doesn’t he understand the connection? Tales of evil spirits dressed in fanciful literary garb and sweetened with romance and nice people are just as corrosive to morals as virtual immorality and murder. But it seems Mr. Beck is oblivious to this and little wonder. Even the most astute among us are unable to see the complete depth of deception our world is under. Isaiah says there would be those “who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (Isaiah 5:20). Evil and sin distorts our ability to clearly discern. Slowly over time even the most astute social observers can blur the lines and miss the point of understanding how insidious and pervasive is the evil in this world. Be clear and certain about your course. Keep the lines between evil and good clear in your own mind.

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