Morning in America, or the morning after

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Morning in America, or the morning after

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Who is the man that enters the Oval Office this morning. We are about to find out.

Throughout the political campaign Barack Obama pounded home the idea of “hope and change”. He said, “yes, we can”. He is long on rhetoric but is he short on tangible ideas? I think we will find out soon enough.

Obama has the ability to make everyone think he agrees with them while he holds close to his chest what he really does believe and how he will act. I have seen that trait at work before and it can lead you along in support for the person. It may take some time before you realize he has a different agenda or none at all. Obama’s supporters have definite agendas.

Obama follows a very unpopular president and there are great expectations of him. This is similar to when Ronald Reagan came into offiec after Jimmy Carter. Reagan came in during an economic downturn that many thought we never pull out of. Reagan governed for two terms and when he left there were many who were glad to see him go.

What Reagan did, and many see this in hindsight, was to stay true to hims core principles. He had to be pragmatic politically but he stayed true to himself. I suspect Obama will stay true to his core, whatever that may be. Once again, I think we will discover this shortly.

Yesterday, on the west front of the Capitol, with George Bush going out and Barack Obama coming in, we saw a vision of two America’s. Two ideologies, two worldviews, represented by two men from different walks of life. Their common bond is not the oath of office but the lack of vision for the true God and His Kingdom. There were two distinct prayers offered during the ceremony, neither one strikng the right note of repentance and turning toward God.

For too long America has been without the teaching of the true God. The nation has not had teachers who have eplained the beauty and the depths of His eternal law. As a result the people are like sheep scattered with no shepherd to lead them.

Morning in America or the morning after. We’ll find out.

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