Thankful for Having the Bible

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Thankful for Having the Bible

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Do you ever think how blessed we are to have a copy of the Bible? 

I won't go into the history of how the Bible came into print for the masses now; you can read about it in the March/April 2011 issue of The Good News magazine. With Thanksgiving upon us (in the U.S.), it is timely to think about how blessed we are to have a copy of the Bible.

My daughters (age 3 and 1) both have a Bible. They love to carry them around and my one-year-old insists on taking hers to bed with her.  I'm not saying this to brag on my kids that they are overly righteous or something. I just feel thankful that Bibles are so readily available (and inexpensive) that we can get our young children their own copy. 

My kids will grow up knowing that a Bible is accessible to everyone and the importance of  God's Word. We want our children to love God's Word and always seek knowing it better.

We know that Timothy was raised in the scriptures. I am thankful my kids will be too.


But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.  (2 Timothy 3:14-16)


I am truly thankful that Bibles are so readily available and that every member of my family has a copy.

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  • theodorej

    The Bible is a book that many people have but never read.... When a parent includes Bible reading into their child rearing they are surely raising their children as they should and as the scripture states,they may go in various directions but in the final analysis they return to their root training...

  • TP53

    I to am thankful for the Holy Bible, and the many people who have given their lives so that we can own our very own copy. With the computer bibles can be reproduced at very little expense. The iPad bibles are another good way to learn and love the Word of God.

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