Change That Counts

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Change That Counts

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Humans too continue to shed the outer layer of skin and grow new skin cells, but for humans it is the changing of the inner self that is much more important than the outer skin. Changing what is within is most difficult. It the area in which God our Creator works most diligently. Paul said the old man must die and we are to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4).

Our disposition is our natural tendencies and reactions to all that comes to us. It is the old man and the way of thinking of this world that must be discarded and replaced with the divine nature of God (2 Peter 1:4). Most animals shed their skin with the seasons, but the deep inner changes once completed are to be permanent. God seeks a stable, reliable and unchanging character for His family.

He offers to guide and help us, but we need to search for the path to follow. God is never far from each person, and He waits for us to make the choices that will lead us to Him through obedience to His way. Inside is where the more important and lasting change will occur.

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Greetings friends, There are things more lasting in life than our skin.


  • KARS

    Exactly! I totally agree with this lesson. "This is the Way happens to be one of my favorite pages to come to.

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