Deciding Your Future

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Deciding Your Future

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We do not always think of it that way, but experience proves this to be true. On a daily basis we develop habits or patterns of thinking that control and regulate our lives. That is normal and good unless those habits or patterns are harmful. We are able to assess and monitor our habits, and the habits we develop decide our future. The habit of study, seeking advice and working hard all play a positive role in our futures. Seeking contact with our Creator on a daily basis is a habit that determines our eternal future.

Paul listed some habits that are precious and valuable when in your possession. He lists actions that, when followed daily, will develop such deep habits that your future will be the best possible (1 Thessalonians 5:12-23). God sets a path before us and encourages us to choose wisely. The good choices lead to habits which define our character. Almighty God promises to preserve that person blameless until Christ returns. Let that be you.

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