Dirt Sticks

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Dirt Sticks

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Boys seem especially attracted to mud. We would look for puddles to ride our bikes through at top speed when I was a boy. The trouble is we could not do that without getting dirty. Our moms were not always happy! An old farmer saying is, “When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.” In human terms, it is clear that the company we keep and the people we associate with can have an effect on us—dirt sticks.

God expects humans to follow His high standard of moral behavior. Paul was clear when he said to flee sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:15-18). In many cases, our society has turned a blind eye to the moral code of the Bible. The end result is a slide into a society that has few or no standards. God commands His people to come out of that sort of society because association with such company erodes His moral code, which takes effort to follow. The easy road leads to death (Matthew 7:13).

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