Expecting Gold

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Expecting Gold

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Maurice Seitter wrote, “Too many people miss the silver lining because they are expecting gold.” These words of wisdom explain why there is so much discontent in the world. In marriages, business or the fulfillment of our personal needs, there is far too often disappointment rather than satisfaction. Our expectations have much to do with how we feel about where we are and what we have in life. When those expectations are too high or out of line and combined with a lack of recognition of the gains we have made, the result in many cases is regret, sorrow and chagrin.

Paul wrote that we are to learn to be content with our wages, the state we are in, our clothing and the things we have (Philippians 4:11, Hebrews 13:5). The citizens of our nations have so much that there is no reason to be drowning in sadness. We can develop that frame of mind, and as we do, we will have a happier daily life while being in a much better position to continue to develop and grow. Be happy with the silver lining and the gold will not seem so far away.

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