Freedom to Err

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Freedom to Err

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He once stated, "Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err." There is something within us that demands that we be allowed to make up our own minds even if we are wrong. There may be a number of definitions to describe what freedom is, but in this world there are many checks and balances that control our choices.

God spoke passionately to Israel. He told them of the blessing He would give if they chose to obey Him and the curses if they chose to disobey. He encouraged them to choose life (Deuteronomy 30:19). God could have programmed the human mind differently, but He lovingly gave us all freedom. God gave the freedom to err. He gave the true freedom that is worth having. We have many choices to make in our daily lives. With time and practice, we can appreciate that freedom and still strive to make the right choices. We do not have to test the freedom God gives by making errors. It is up to us.

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  • Juma true, and the more I study God's words, the more I realize how Great God is! And how Just and Fair He is to every being who ever lived..Thanks for your message.
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