Freedom to Make Choices

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Freedom to Make Choices

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We have the freedom to choose poorly. Because our knowledge and understanding begins at almost zero as a baby, and takes 20 or more years to begin to be mature. We are prone to make mistakes. God has no problem with us making mistakes as long as we learn from them and progress toward Him. He says a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again (Proverbs 24:16).

God knows we learn by making mistakes (hopefully not huge ones). He gives us the freedom to err with the hope that we will be better for the lesson. Our errors lead to sorrow, and that leads to repentance, and further, to loving God and loving His laws or way of life. That lesson was crystal clear in the manner in which Jesus Christ brought Paul from error and darkness into His light. Paul erred, and the recognition of his errors made him stronger (Acts 26:14-18). God gives the freedom to err in the hope we will fight and resist error. That path was built in before man was created.

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