Keep Trying

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Keep Trying

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As our troubles mount, so do our anxieties—and the fervency in which we seek His help. Paul was inspired to inform us that God demands that we trust Him and exhibit faith (Hebrews 11:6). But faith ends when the trouble passes or God answers. We only need faith when we have problems we cannot solve. But faith does not demand that we must be successful; it does demand that we never give up.

God is not far away and is completely involved in the lives of those He loves. He does many little things that we may not notice, but we must understand that the view God has far surpasses ours. He sees a potential that reaches out into eternity. Faith is the path we tread to reach the goal He has placed for us. A righteous man may fall seven times, but he gets up again because he has faith (Proverbs 24:16). Never quitting is the victory faith gives.

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We have all experienced a fall from time to time.


  • Robert Berendt

    Hello Kathy -- thanks for your comment. Faith is something we must always have on a grand or large scale - i.e. eternal life, resurrection - but we also show that faith in smaller things. Faith is a constant way of thinking, but exhibiting it may be for a limited time (e.g. bearing a healthy baby) and then that small moment of faith is completed. Faith is a frame of mind in the large scale, but taken in bits, when we have faith (for example) that a broken leg will heal, after it is healed, that spurt of faith is not needed. Faith lasts during the time of waiting and trusting that we will have an answer of reach a goal. Once that particular goal is reached, we continue to exhibit faith in other smaller goals and always in the bigger goal of eternity. We never give up on faith as a way of thinking. thanks for your comment. Robert Berendt

  • KARS

    Your welcome Mr. Berendt. Thank you for explaining how the little things of faith once answered are complete and we move on to the other aspects of our faith. There is always other things to have faith for, like the coming kingdom of God. :-) Have a wonderful Sabbath day Mr. Berendt.

  • KARS

    "But faith ends when the trouble passes or God answers. We only need faith when we have problems we cannot solve."
    We can't give up on faith once we've chosen the right path. As the Apostles said we have to fight the good fight brethren. We have a race to run and win. There is a finish line we must cross. We take our cross and don't look back to the sins of the past that were washed away at baptism. We must continually look forward with repentance when we stumble then get back up again and keep moving forward. Even if we can solve some of the problems that come along we still ask God our Father for guidance. Maybe I don't understand what faith means. For I thought we have to have it all the time, in good times and in bad. Faith that God our Father exists and His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Without faith we would be lost in Satan's dark and confused world of sins and false worship.

  • Amio

    The good news is our focus and spreading the good news is our work. The holy spirit testifies Jesus Christ is Lord. Do not seek wisdom and knowledge for yourselves but for the glorification and honour of Our Father in Heaven through Our Lord Jesus Christ which the holy Spirit will testify in truth of him. We work in the field and OurLord will grant us peace and will let us know and be guided for only Our Father in Heaven knows the time and we who have his promise walk in the day and have bo fear of the night for how can you live in darkness when you live in him in the Light

  • Kelly Irvin


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