Nations of One Blood

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Nations of One Blood

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There are differences in IQ, opportunities and athletic ability. Certain traits are more pronounced in some. Males and females are different. Paul wrote that before God, male and female are the same (Galatians 3:28), but the Bible also says God made us male and female (Mark 10:6). Even family members are different in so many ways. We can see that in the birth of Esau and Jacob (Genesis 25:23). They were of one blood, but they were different (Genesis 25:27).

Somehow we grow confused in thinking in terms of “better” rather than “different.” God wanted nations to be different just as men and women are different. We also note that men are different from other men. Before God, though, those differences become “one.” Paul was the apostle to non-Jews (Gentiles, as the Bible calls them), but his teachings impacted many Jews as well. His teaching was that we were to be “one” before God (Philippians 1:27, Philippians 2:2). All peoples are of one blood since we all come from Adam and Eve, but though we are all one before God, we are different from one another.

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