Old Friends

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Old Friends

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The character needed to stand by a friend makes certain that in our time of need we too will have a friend to help. Old friends generally are the best friends. They are tried and tested. We ought never to turn from a friend of our own or a friend of our fathers (Proverbs 27:10). Funny thing about old friends is their friendship continues on to our children too. Our father's friend is our friend.

When calamity strikes, we need a friend. Often the one nearest to you is the one you go to. Among friends there is the understanding that when you are in need, just call. A friend loves at all times, good and not so good (Proverbs 17:17). We cannot make others do what is right, but when we choose the right, it forms a bond with others.  That is how friends are born and maintained. Be a friend and you will have a friend always.

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