The List in Psalms 107

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The List in Psalms 107

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Thinking of the positive actions of God and the blessing He bestows develops our love for Him and His way. At the end of the Psalm the writer states that whoever is wise will consider and observe the list, and they will understand the loving kindness of God. The things that we fill our minds with are the ones that form opinions within us. Negatives thoughts form negative opinions, and positive thoughts form positive opinions.

There are many reasons that humans complain and criticize—none of them right or worthwhile. Complaining does not solve our problems—positive action does. We can consider the beauty and wonders of this world and praise God for His great creation—or we can focus on the disasters and problems and blame God for not solving them. Paul had a list too. He passed it on to his beloved Philippians when he told them to meditate on the good things (Philippians 4:8). That advice was given 2,000 years ago, but it is just as true today. Try it. Try to focus on the good and worthwhile and you will find yourself doing better in all walks of live. God's advice and directives always have good results.

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