Those Who Endure

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Those Who Endure

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The Almighty Creator can intervene whenever He wants to, but when He does not step in to assist in our calamity, we ought to understand that He has a greater goal and be thankful as we endure (James 5:11). God's purpose is not always clear to us, but we are made better or perfected by suffering. That is where patience, consistency, determination and endurance are born and developed.

Eternity lasts a long, long time and God views our lives as stepping stones to eternity. We are shortsighted and usually just want a trial to end. Knowing that God is very compassionate and merciful ought to set our hearts and minds at ease. We need to stop feeling neglected and discarded when our prayers and perceived needs are not immediately met. God has a greater purpose for us, and we need to trust in Him.

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  • Peggy Mapula Tana
    God realy love us, He cannot put more on us than we can bear.
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