Wasted Breath

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Wasted Breath

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When there is a willing mind—one ready to listen—speaking with them is a delight. When there is an unwillingness to hear or to be told, we are wasting our breath. Usually it does not take us long to determine that a person simply does not want to understand and that all of our efforts are in vain.

A person who turns from understanding or truth is a fool because truth is truth—it isn't subject to interpretation (Proverbs 18:2). What they really want to hear is what they perceive to be truth to them. A fool who lacks understanding often expresses himself loudly and reveals the lack that is in him. Those of a kind and good heart would like to help people, but even they will come to realize that they are wasting their breath in talking with that person. Humans seem to have the ability to shut their ears when they want to and nothing can open them. Life teaches us when our best efforts are wasted. Know when to speak and when to save your breath.

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  • PamacoG

    I myself find this to be me at times.Lord remove this from me in Jesus name I pray it's apart of me I dislike and use the excuse im impatient. Lord I repent.

  • mgmurphy1963

    Thank you, Mr. Berendt, for all your short but to the point words of wisdom. They are very helpful and greatly appreciated!

  • robrog8999

    Nice tip. And also very true!

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