Time to Sigh and Cry!

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Time to Sigh and Cry!

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This week Steve Myers and I did three commentaries on abortion. The 39th anniversary of the United States Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion had passed last Sunday, January 22, without a great deal of attention. The great American distractions of sports, entertainment and politics obscured any significant public discussion of this continued stain upon the life of Americans.

Since that date more than 50 million abortions have been performed at the rate of 3,000 per day. As we pointed out this is more than the combined murders at the hands of such tyrants as Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot and Saddam Hussein. This is a staggering fact that will one day create a firestorm of judgement upon our people.

History shows that any civilization that practices infanticide will collapse. Ancient Carthage is a case in point. Whole cemeteries have been excavated revealing the remains of infants who ere murdered for ritual reasons connected with their pagan religion. The Bible shows that even Judah's King Manassah practiced infant sacrifice to the god Molech in the Valley of Hinnom. Both he and his people were judged for these atrocities agains innocent life.

We are in the 40th year since Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion in America. Forty is a period synonymous with judgement in the Bible. I wonder if we are not already living with a judgement upon us in the fruit of a sick and decayed culture that seems to lost a sense of outrage against abortion and the impact upon our people. Frankly I do not see any chance at compromise between the opposing ideas of pro-life and pro-choice. They are polar opposites and indeed are irreconcilable. Experience teaches little hope for either compromise or reconciliation with such extreme opinions. The truth is there should be no compromise. Abortion is a sin against God and His creation.

A noted abortion advocate has recently said that "abortion is an American as apple pie." Is this correct? Well, the acceptance of abortion and the absence of strong public debate at this time leaves a chilling notion that it just may be. Ezekiel records God's instruction to go through the city placing a mark upon "those who sigh and cry over all the abominations done within it" (Ezekiel 9:4). 

I would hope that our Beyond Today commentaries this week would stir some indignation within our own audience to at least cry out in anguish to God over this great blight upon our generation. This is something to be distressed about. This is something to take to God with sincere petitions that plead "thy kingdom come!"



Hope Beyond Abortion
For those struggling with guilt over a past action there is a path to forgiveness and redemption.

Abortion and History
Nations have declined when they choose a culture of death over life.

Roe v. Wade: Abortion's 39th Anniversary
The US Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973 but can we really call it freedom and liberty?

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  • KARS

    The problem is they want to have their fun and not the responsiblity of our perious gift from God our Father. They don't care. They want their "piece of cake and eat it too."
    It's pretty sicknen and makes me very sad. For I still long for the one I lost because I was sick and couldn't care it past my 1st trimester.
    Another sad thing is that when they finally wake-up and want a child, it's to late.

  • Carolyn Prater

    I believe the abortion issue may very well be our greatest national sin. Since it is legal to commit abortions in the United States, it is now up to each individual to decide not to partake in the murder of his or her own child--a sweet baby growing in the sheltered womb while others decide to painfully mutilate its body, destroying the hope of the life the child might have had in this age. Thank you for pointing out that abortion is not a choice. It is a sin that leaves a distaste in God's mouth even more than those who cry and sigh for the return of Christ to put an end to abortion and an end to all that leads to the pain and destruction of mankind. Let us choose life, for ourselves AND for our children.

  • XCG Friend

    Abortion is a symptom of a deep problem in America: the lack of a moral heart.

    What does it take to change the hearts of people? Government can't do it, but Jesus can.

    Bearing witness to Jesus Christ (after all, who can be blamed for not believing in Jesus if nobody is willing to stand up and testify that he is REAL?) and exemplifying the love of Jesus toward others (especially toward those who might be predisposed to getting an abortion) are probably the best things we can do to help stem the tide of abortion.

    A person who has experienced the love of Christ through the benevolence and concern of a Christian is probably far less likely to have an abortion than someone who has never experienced genuine unselfish concern and compassion from anyone.

    Abortion statistics should motivate us that much more to love our neighbor, as Jesus commanded.

    Who knows, you might just save a life!

    [BTW/N.B.: Use "judgment" not "judgement." The latter is KJV English. :-) ]

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