United Church of God

Announcement Bulletin for April 1, 2023

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Announcement Bulletin for April 1, 2023



Announcement Bulletin for April 1, 2023


Sabbath Thought – How Will You Partake of the Passover?

By: Dan Dowd

     In just a few days, the baptized members of the Church of God will gather to partake of the Passover.  What is the history of this observance, why did God institute it, and how are we to partake of it?  In the covenant God made with Abraham, God foretold of Israel being in bondage for 400 years before He would bring them to the land He promised to Abraham (Genesis 15:13).  Subsequently, we find the first instruction regarding the Passover recorded for us in Exodus chapter 12 as God set the stage to deliver Israel out of Egypt (a symbol of sin).

     In Exodus 12 God instructed Israel (through Moses) that on the 14th day of the first month of the year as God declared it, they were to gather as family groups in a home, kill a lamb, put some of the blood on the doorframe of their home, and to not leave that home until the morning.  God explained to Israel that they were doing this so that the Death Angel He would send through the land would not kill their firstborn, as he would in the rest of the land of Egypt (v.12).  The blood on the doorposts was to be a sign of their submission to God, and they would be “passed over” in this judgement (v.13).

     The Passover was instituted by God to show the necessity of innocent blood to cover (pay for) our sin.  This was done for 1,400 years until God sent His Son to be the perfect “lamb” as a sacrifice for our sins (John 1:29).  Jesus Christ then instituted new symbols for the Passover – footwashing, the bread and the wine – to represent the New Covenant for those whom God would call into His Church.  By partaking of the symbols of the footwashing, eating the unleavened bread and drinking the wine, we picture humbling ourselves by and through Jesus Christ, “eating of His flesh” (which sustains us spiritually) and accepting His blood (His sinless life) which gives us true life (John 17:3, Romans 5:10).  

     How are we to keep the Passover?  In John 13:15 Christ stated to the disciples that He gave them an example, and that they were to do as He did to them.  This certainly applies to the footwashing portion and other symbols of the Passover observance, but it also extends out to everything Christ did. He served (and continues to serve) the Father and His people, and is our faithful and perfect High Priest (Hebrews 7:26-28).  As our High Priest He has also established a New Covenant.  The Old Covenant could not bring righteousness where the New brings a hope of salvation (Hebrews 7:18-19, 9:15).  God promises salvation to those who take on the mind of His Son (Philippians 2:5).

     In Philippians chapter 2 we find how we are to become like Christ and follow His example.  He sought no reputation and became like a bondservant (v.7), and He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death (v.8).  Because the Days of Unleavened Bread are tied so closely to Passover, we can also apply the symbol of unleavened bread to how we are to keep the Passover.  Unleavened Bread is symbolic of being without sin, so partaking of the unleavened bread during Passover represents internalizing the life of Christ, Who was without sin (Hebrews 4:15) and Who is the Bread of Life (John 6:33, 35, 48, 51)!

     Let us then keep Passover (and the following Days of Unleavened Bread) with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth (1 Corinthians 5:8)!

For the Youth - Bible Trivia: 

1. What does Paul identity as the Passover that was sacrificed for us under the New Covenant?
*Hint: 1 Corinthians 5:6-8

2. How did the disciples know exactly where Jesus wanted them to prepare His final Passover?
*Hint: Luke 22:7-13

3. What miraculous events took place the very moment Jesus died?
* Hint: Matthew 27:50-53

North Canton Announcements:

  1. Sabbath Service Time (April 1st): 2:00 PM
  2. Next Sabbath – (April 8th): 2:00 PM
  3. Passover Service: (Baptized Members Only)- Evening of April 4th – Service starts @ 7:55 pm. Location Gateway Conference Center Doors open at 7:15. Please arrive by 7:45 pm
  4. Night to be Much Observed: Wednesday Evening April 5 at 8:00 PM – Please arrive around 7:30 pm. For those who want to gather together at the Gateway Hall; Below is the menu and cost. Please don’t let the cost prevent you from attending if you desire to be there. If you need help, please let me know asap. Menu: Prime rib, Boneless chicken, Redskin potatoes, Green Beans w/cashews, Pasta w/Marinara Sauce, Fruit salad, Tossed salad                                                                                                         

            The price will be 25.00 per person. Please sent payment asap to Debbie Kuhns. Brethren need to

            bring Unleavened bread and a dessert to share.

  1. First Day of Unleavened Bread: Thursday, April 6th – Services are at 2:00 pm. Location: Gateway Conference Center
  2. Last Day of Unleavened Bread: Wednesday, April 12th – Services at 10:30 am & 2:00 pm. We will be combining with Youngstown and Cleveland. There will be a catered meal between services. Location: Shady Hollow Country Club, 4865 Wales Av NW, Massillon, Oh 44646.

The cost will be 25.00 per person. (If you need help financially – please let us know).

Reminder about LDUB payment.

Send to Debbie Kuhns: PO Box 115 Paris, Ohio 44669.  Check written to UCG N. Canton. $25.00

Payment is needed ASAP as well as a count on those requesting Gluten Free meals. Please note: Desserts and Unleavened Bread is all the food that the facility has approved for us to bring in. They have requested that we do not outside food other than that which was previously approved. 

  1. Spring/Summer Picnic: Mark your calendars, Our annual Spring/Summer Picnic is scheduled for after Sabbath Services on June 10, 2023 at Price Park.
  2. Troyer’s Hollow Campout: Mark your calendars for the Annual Troyer’s Hollow Campout June 23-25, 2023! Nestled in the scenic hills of Amish Country near Charm, Ohio, Troyer’s Hollow in the Doughty Valley, we will once again come together for a fellowship focused weekend for all ages. More details to follow. If you have questions now, please reach out to Mary Miller - mary@crawfordmfg.com
  3. Seasons of a Woman’s Life: The women of the Indianapolis and Fort Wayne congregations invite you to a Women’s Enrichment Weekend April 21-23, 2023. We will discuss and learn about the “Seasons of a Woman’s Life”. Rooms have been reserved at a local hotel and we will host a welcome reception there on Friday evening. On Saturday and Sunday, ladies will meet at the Indianapolis church building for a fun weekend of learning, fellowship, and music. You may contact Lizzy Creech at liz.creech06@yahoo.com with any questions. See attached Flyer for more info.

If I’ve overlooked anything, Please let me know ASAP.