United Church of God

Announcement Bulletin for October 5, 2019

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Announcement Bulletin for October 5, 2019



Announcement Bulletin for October 5, 2019



United Church of God, an International Association

North Canton & Youngstown, OH; Pittsburgh, PA; Wheeling, WV Congregations


Youngstown – 1 p.m.                       Wheeling – 10:00 a.m. 

North Canton – 2 p.m.                     Pittsburgh – 2:30 p.m.

Greetings brethren, 

Remember the film series from the early 2000’s called “Fast & Furious”?

I remember the name, but never watched any of the films (usually the name is enough to guess the plotline). It was a series of movies about more or less angry, young men driving fast cars, and costume-challenged, young women—typical fare according to the misplaced values of the entertainment industry.

However, we can borrow the title to anticipate the actual plotting that is Satan the Devil’s angry attempt to destroy mankind near the end of this age. 

We are zooming in on the long and dearly anticipated return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It will be His second coming. The first coming was His human birth, teaching and ultimate sacrifice as our Savior about 2,000 years ago. This time Christ is returning in power and glory to literally take over and directly govern the planet. He will establish the government of God on earth and will personally rule as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords—ultimately for a thousand years and more.

The Feast of Trumpets pictures Christ’s second coming. And the Feast of Tabernacles pictures his Millennial rule of all the nations from Jerusalem. In between comes the Day of Atonement. 

Atonement is a sobering holyday (hence, a day of fasting) that pictures the removal and spiritual binding of Satan and the demonic angels for 1,000 years (Rev. 20:1-3) and then after a brief release demonstrating the heinous, incorrigible character of the Devil and the demonic angels, they will be bound or restrained by God forever. Never again will these angelic beings be allowed to accuse or disrupt God’s people and work.

Right now, however, the demonic angels and their evil leader are disrupting and deceiving the world—and attempting particularly to disrupt and deceive the true Church of God. Unless, we are on our guard as part of God’s true “called-out-ones,” we could also be deceived. It has already happened to too many in the Church’s 2,000 years of history. 

Read again what is commonly called “the Lord’s prayer” in Matthew 6:9-13. Notice three key lines, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name…” so seek to be holy as is our Father in heaven and as is the great Christ. Next, “Your kingdom come” – that is our prayer and our eager desire—for then we will ourselves be resurrected into God’s kingdom! 

Finally, “And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” We need daily, brethren, to seriously beseech God to guide us away from and help us to resist any and all evil temptations. Likewise, because we are fallible creatures, we need the Father’s repeated deliverance through Christ’s dynamic intervention in and strengthening of our lives, in our thinking and in our actions. 

Let’s think about the Day of Atonement because as Christ’s sample prayer outline concludes: “For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.” As we fast on this unique holyday we will feel a bit weak physically, but focusing on God’s great plan we can reach for true strength spiritually!

Keep the true faith—and spread it,
Randy Stiver, Pastor 

Pastor’s contact information:  PO Box 1474, Massillon, OH  44648.  Home phone: 330-809-0566, cell phone: 740-739-7248. Email addresses:randy_stiver@ucg.org  or rpstiver@gmail.com (both come to the same location). For emails regarding scheduling (church events, visits or counseling), please copy my wife Linda ldstiver@gmail.com. Announcements should be sent to my email and copied to our daughter Amanda at anstiver@gmail.com as she helps process them each week.

  1. Church Circuit Schedule 

October 5

Sabbath Services

Youngstown-1 PM; North Canton-2 PM; Pittsburgh-2:30 PM; Wheeling-10 AM

October 9

Day of Atonement

Services at 12 Noon at Holiday Inn Express Akron—South (see announcement below for address).

October 12


NO Sabbath Services in North Canton and Youngstown due to Feast timing.

Oct. 14-20, 21

Feast and LGD

Feast of Tabernacles (Oct. 14-20) and Last Great Day (Oct. 21)

October 26

Sabbath Services

Youngstown-11 AM; North Canton-2 PM; Pittsburgh-2:30 PM; Wheeling-2:30 PM

November 2

Sabbath Services

Youngstown-1 PM; North Canton-2 PM; Pittsburgh-2:30 PM; Wheeling-10 AM



  • Jenny Luchitz (North Canton) – Recuperating from a severe throat infection. 
  • Marlene Ware (North Canton) – Leg fracture recuperation and healing. Will be several months in a cast.
  • Ian Healey (grandson of Louis & Carol Petit in NC) – Awaiting a kidney donor. Despite health challenges, Ian is pursuing a job as well as his school work.
  • Steve Richmond (Cambridge) – Responding to treatment as he fights liver and colon cancer.
  • Todd Bickel (North Canton) – Continued challenges with high blood pressure, finding the right medication to control it, and, in addition, pain from bursitis.
  • Dave Ritter (North Canton) – Dave is continuing to improve and recover. He and Linda thank you for your cards and prayers!
  • Marcia Wehman (Pittsburgh) – Recovering from a fractured eye socket from a fall at home.


The senior appreciation Sabbath went very well last week, as you can see by the photos below. Many thanks to all who helped with plans and preparations:

3.    UPCOMING FALL HOLYDAY DETAILS (these are the times, locations and plans for North Canton & Youngstown combined):

·         Day of Atonement (North Canton and Youngstown, combined) on Wednesday, October 9 at Holiday Inn Express—Akron South, 898 Arlington Ridge East, Akron, Ohio 44312 (NOT at Fairlawn). Services will be held at 12 noon. This is God’s commanded annual fast day. If you have serious health issues or are on medication be sure to check with your medical professional.

NOTE: Times, locations, and details for Pittsburgh and Wheeling services will be announced locally. 

·         Feast of Tabernacles – If you still have any Feast related questions, please check with your local Feast advisors:  Freeman Kuhns & Mark Miller in North Canton; Jimmy Guy in Youngstown; Nathan Courtney in Pittsburgh, and Jim Kocher in Wheeling.

4.    NO LOCAL SERVICES ON OCTOBER 12th – Sabbath immediately before the Feast

Please make a note: there will be no local church services in North Canton or Youngstown on the Sabbath of October 12thdue to Feast travel and the proximity of opening night the next day. The webcast from the Home Office will be available online as usual at 2:30 p.m.

5.    ASTRONOMY OUTING – AFTER THE FEAST – Date to be announced

The ACA Observatory in New Franklin (15 minutes from Global Gateway) is hosts free star gazing evenings. 

The telescope is outdoors. Anyone interested in going is welcome to stop at Mark and Amanda Miller's home after the Sabbath potluck and before sunset, since they live nearby. 

                We anticipate a date sometime during November but will announce a specific date after the Feast.

Address for Astronomy Club of Akron – Observatory:Portage Lakes State Park, 5031 Manchester Rd, New Franklin, OH 44319.

If you are interested please contact Mark or Amanda Miller (amandamiller52216@gmail.com).

6.    SABBATH BIBLE STUDY – November 16, 2019

Bible study will be presented by John Miller. Please bring a pack lunch and enjoy the fellowship before services.

7.    FRIDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY – November 22, 2019 – 7:30 PM

The next webcast Bible Study will be on November 22nd at the usual 7:30 p.m. at https://www.ucg.org/congregations/north-canton-oh/webcast.

8.    LOCAL BIBLE READING PROGRAM – Read Isaiah by the Feast

Here is our last set of chapter summaries to go along with our local, Bible reading program leading up to the Feast of Tabernacles. If you have Bible Study questions, please send them to Mr. Stiver.

ISAIAH Bible Reading Project leading up to the Feast of Tabernacles            

Human author: Isaiah, the son of Amoz.  Written: 740-698 B.C.           

DATES                                 WEEK               CHAPTERS

July 28-Aug. 3            --Week 1            --1-6

August 4-10               --Week 2            --7-13

August 11-17             --Week 3             --14-20

August 18-24             --Week 4            --21-27

August 25-31             --Week 5            --28-34

September 1-7          --Week 6            --35-41

September 8-14        --Week 7            --42-48

September 15-21      --Week 8            --49-55

September 22-28      --Week 9            --56-59

Sept. 29-Oct. 5          --Week 10          --60-63

October 6-12             --Week 11          --64-66


(Final chapter summaries by Mr. Stiver.)

ISAIAH 64 – This chapter is a continuation of the prayer of penitence (repentance) that began in 63:15. V. 1 calls for what we recognize as the second coming of Christ—so that the nations may tremble at His presence. V. 4 speaks of man not comprehending the awesome, greatness of God and His power (see 1 Cor. 1:6-9). V. 6 picks up the confession of repentance, “…all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags.”  V. 8-12 address God the Father, pleading for His mercy.

ISAIAH 65.a (v. 1-16) – God speaks to Israel through the prophet. V. 1 can be rendered, “I allowed Myself to be sought…” God reaches out to a rebellious people (Israel specifically, the Gentiles generally, and even us in God’s Church today) who do what is not good, guided by their own thoughts (not God’s), provoking God to anger. V. 3-4 speak also of pagan worship in tombs at night and by Israel, even eating swine’s flesh (see Lev. 11 & Deut. 14). Worshipping God by sinful actions and pagan conduct, and then considering oneself holier than others (v. 5) angers God rightly and greatly. Our historical and national sins blaspheme God (v. 7). V. 8-10 are a millennial prophecy of when the nations—and especially the tribal nations of Israel will faithfully worship God. V. 11-12 – condemns those who forsake the true God. V. 13-16 speak of God’s blessings for faithful obedience, emphasizing that God is the “God of truth” (see John 4:23-24).

ISAIAH 65.b (v.17-24) – the prophecy of the Great White Throne Judgment – GWTJ (cp. to Rev. 20:11-15).  This is a reverse prophecy. V. 17-19 describes eternity in the New Heavens and New Earth. V. 20 begins the specifics of the GWTJ and indicates that those who are physically resurrected to have their opportunity to be called to God’s truth will live a 100 year lifetime. V. 21-23 – The people living then will enjoy the Millennial setting of 1000-year rule of Christ. V. 24-25 describes their spiritual calling and conversion in that Millennial-like setting. When all is done every human will have received God’s spiritual calling to repentance and have the opportunity to consciously choose life and live forever in God’s Kingdom.

ISAIAH 66 – Through all the ages of God’s calling (this present evil world, the Millennium and the Great White Throne Judgment -GWTJ) He sees those who choose to have a “poor [humble] and contrite spirit.” V. 3-4 explains that God will reject all sinful arrogance. V. 5-6 speaks of the ultimate separation of the spiritually good vs. the evil. V. 5-13 – the birth of Christ as a child at His First coming compares to the many faithful who will be born (resurrected) spiritually into God’s Kingdom. V. 10-14 compares the millennial and GWTJ Jerusalem to the “…Jerusalem above who is the mother of us all” (see Gal. 4:26) in the eternal Kingdom of God. V. 14-17 describes God’s indignation expressed in the consuming of the wicked in the Lake of Fire. V. 18-21 – a prophetic reprise of the Millennium and GWTJ when God will call all nations to repentance—and some will serve as God’s human priests like the Levites of old. V. 22-24 – In the “new heavens and new earth” (God’s eternal Kingdom) the resurrected saints will from time to time look back on the just and righteous, but also sadly, on the Lake of Fire where the wicked suffered the ultimate penalty of sin – death.