United Church of God

Announcement Bulletin for September 14, 2019

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Announcement Bulletin for September 14, 2019



Announcement Bulletin for September 14, 2019



United Church of God, an International Association

North Canton & Youngstown, OH; Pittsburgh, PA; Wheeling, WV Congregations


Youngstown –11 a.m.                      Wheeling – 11:00 a.m. 

North Canton – 2 p.m.                     Pittsburgh – 2:30 p.m.

Greetings brethren,

We were happy with the coverage of the Friday night Bible Study. There were 43 connections, and we figure an average of two viewers per connection. We’re glad for those results, but we would love to have more of you tune in, since it is the one opportunity I have as a pastor of four congregations to instruct you all from God’s Word simultaneously! I’d also like to know how many of you pick up a CD of each study and watch it later at home. 

In addition, I hope you are taking time to read and savor the chapters of Isaiah and the chapter summaries included here in the Sabbath Announcements each week. As a pastor and instructor in God’s Word I’m writing these summaries for the spiritual edification of us all.

The more we keep both our minds in and on God’s Word, the better. Christ inspired one of His human half-brothers, Jude, to write the critical, timeless Bible study admonition: “I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3).

As you go to God’s Feast of Tabernacles in a few weeks, go with your head full of God’s Word and an eager appetite to hear and learn even more of the words of life!

Have a very good Sabbath.

Keep the true faith—and spread it,
Randy Stiver, Pastor 

Pastor’s contact information:  PO Box 1474, Massillon, OH  44648.  Home phone: 330-809-0566, cell phone: 740-739-7248. Email addresses:randy_stiver@ucg.org  or rpstiver@gmail.com (both come to the same location). For emails regarding scheduling (church events, visits or counseling), please copy my wife Linda ldstiver@gmail.com. Announcements should be sent to my email and copied to our daughter Amanda at anstiver@gmail.com as she helps process them each week.

  1. Church Circuit Schedule 

September 14

Sabbath Services

Youngstown-11 AM; North Canton-2 PM; Pittsburgh-2:30 PM; Wheeling-11 AM

Memorial for Dale Harmon following services in North Canton, at 5:30 PM

September 21

Sabbath Services

Youngstown-1 PM; North Canton-2 PM; Pittsburgh-10 AM; Wheeling-2:30 PM 

North Canton Bible Study – 12 Noon

September 28

Sabbath Services

Youngstown-11 AM; North Canton-2 PM; Pittsburgh-2:30 PM; Wheeling-10 AM

September 30

Feast of Trumpets

North Canton and Youngstown at Global Gateway-10:30 AM and 2:30 PM

Pittsburgh and Wheeling at Chartiers Community Center-10:30 AM and 2:30 PM

October 5

Sabbath Services

Youngstown-1 PM; North Canton-2 PM; Pittsburgh-2:30 PM; Wheeling-10 AM

October 12


NO Sabbath Services in North Canton and Youngstown due to Feast timing.


LOCAL PRAYER REQUESTS: (have had no recent updates for most on the list, but please continue praying for them) 

  • Ian Healey (grandson of Louis & Carol Petit in NC) – awaiting a kidney donor.
  • Steve Richmond (Cambridge) – UPDATE: Responding to treatment as he fights liver and colon cancer. 
  • Todd Bickel (North Canton) – Bursitis and high blood pressure.
  • Dave Ritter (North Canton) – Dave's prostate surgery went very well. In some pain but all looking good. We thank you all for the prayers. Updated by wife Linda.
  • Marcia Wehman (Pittsburgh) – Recovering from a fractured eye socket from a fall at home.

2.    FRIDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY – November 22, 2019 – 7:30 PM

The next webcast Bible Study will be on November 22nd at the usual 7:30 p.m. at https://www.ucg.org/congregations/north-canton-oh/webcast

3.    SABBATH BIBLE STUDY – September 21, 2019

Bible study is at 12 noon, presented by John Miller. Please bring a pack lunch and enjoy the fellowship before services at the regular time.


The memorial service for Dale will take place tomorrow after services at the North Canton church hall. We have invited our COGWA brethren to join us for the service and refreshments afterward. The memorial will begin at 5:30 p.m. following a slightly shorter church service (about 90 minutes). If you have pictures of Dale, please print or bring them with you and check with Debbie Kuhns who will arrange a display.

Your contribution of cookies or cookie-type bars for the refreshments at the memorial are greatly appreciated. Please contribute 2 dozen each (bring them to the kitchen before services). Bottled juice or iced tea is also welcome. Trays of fruit and vegetables will be provided. Please see Debbie Kuhns who is coordinating refreshments with any questions.


IF you would like to join us this Sunday for the Canal Boat Tour – please check in with Amanda Miller so she can provide an accurate count to the boat operator.

Come join us on Sunday, September 15 at Canal Fulton to take the Canal Boat Tour! The tour includes: a short film on the history and the boat ride (pulled by horses) with a tour guide. The boat has a roof and is shaded and cool on the water. It goes 3 miles per hour and is an activity young and old can enjoy, with plenty of assistance getting on this very stable boat! The tour begins at 2:00 PM and lasts about an hour.

Prices are $8 for Seniors (60+), $9 for Adults, $5 for kids and, Free for kids under 5 years old. Afterwards, for those interested, we can stop at the Cherry Street Creamery across the street for some ice cream. 

In addition, about 8 minutes away at Clay’s Park Resort is the Yankee Peddler Festival (historical reenactments, entertainment, food and artisans), open that Sunday from 10:30 AM to 6 PM. If you want to extend your day, arrive early and see the festival, then join everyone for the Canal Boat Tour. Prices for the festival are $10 for adults, $9 for seniors, $3 for kids, and free for kids under 5. See their website for more information: https://www.yankeepeddlerfestival.com/tickets

The address for the Canal Boat: 125 Tuscarawas St NW, Canal Fulton, OH 44614

Address for the Yankee Peddler Festival: 13190 Patterson Street NW, North Lawrence, Ohio 44666

If you are interested please contact Mark or Amanda Miller (amandamiller52216@gmail.com).


Once again Dan and Martha Miller would like to invite you to our Annual Chili Cookout on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 22nd. Come and enjoy Chili over an open fire in an iron kettle, hot dogs, and more.

We are asking that everyone bring enough chili for their family, a side dish or dessert, and drinks. Hot dogs and buns will be provided, along with paper goods, water and coffee. We would like to start eating at 4:00. The chili should be here by 3 so it can be combined and heated for the meal. People can start arriving at 1:00 for extra fellowship, fishing, fun and music. For those who play music please bring your instruments.

If you decide to fish with your children we are asking the parents to be responsible to stay with them. Please bring lawn chairs so we have enough seating for everyone.

Any questions please email Martha at martha@superfineinc.com or call 330-204-6971.


33725 CR 10
Fresno, Ohio 43824

7.    UPCOMING FALL HOLY DAY DETAILS (these are the times, locations and plans for North Canton & Youngstown combined):

·         Feast of Trumpets on September 30th at Global Gateway for North Canton & Youngstown (10:30 AM/2:30 PM). For those interested, a potluck is being planned for lunch between services on the Holy Day. Roasted meat and noodles will be provided. Please contribute a side dish and a dessert. Bottled iced tea or juice is also welcome. Coffee will be provided. Please see Debbie Kuhns with any questions.

·         Day of Atonement on Wednesday, October 9 at Holiday Inn Express—Akron South, 898 Arlington Ridge East, Akron, Ohio 44312 (NOT at Fairlawn). Services will be held at 12 noon. This is God’s commanded annual fast day. If you have serious health issues or are on medication be sure to check with your medical professional.

NOTE: Times, locations, and details for Pittsburgh and Wheeling services will be announced locally. 

·         Feast of Tabernacles – If you still have any Feast related questions, please check with your local Feast advisors:  Freeman Kuhns & Mark Miller in North Canton; Jimmy Guy in Youngstown; Nathan Courtney in Pittsburgh, and Jim Kocher in Wheeling. 

8.    NO LOCAL SERVICES ON OCTOBER 12th – Sabbath immediately before the Feast

Please make a note: there will be no local church services in North Canton or Youngstown on the Sabbath of October 12thdue to Feast travel and the proximity of opening night the next day. The webcast from the Home Office will be available online as usual at 2:30 p.m.

9.    LOCAL BIBLE READING PROGRAM – Read Isaiah by the Feast

Starting with our recent Bible Study webcast entitled, “Bible Biography – Isaiah the Prophet” (still available to view on the North Canton website), here is our latest set of chapter summaries to go along with our local, Bible reading leading up to the Feast of Tabernacles. Each week we’ll post the chapter summaries for the upcoming week’s reading assignments. If you have Bible Study questions, please send them to Mr. Stiver.

ISAIAH Bible Reading Project leading up to the Feast of Tabernacles            

Human author: Isaiah, the son of Amoz.  Written: 740-698 B.C.           

DATES                                 WEEK               CHAPTERS

July 28-Aug. 3            --Week 1            --1-6

August 4-10               --Week 2            --7-13

August 11-17             --Week 3             --14-20

August 18-24             --Week 4            --21-27

August 25-31             --Week 5            --28-34

September 1-7          --Week 6            --35-41

September 8-14        --Week 7            --42-48

September 15-21      --Week 8            --49-55

September 22-28      --Week 9            --56-59

Sept. 29-Oct. 5          --Week 10          --60-63

October 6-12             --Week 11          --64-66


(Brief chapter summary by Mr. Stiver.)

ISAIAH 49 – The chapter starts with a prophecy of Christ’s first coming in v. 1-4, but also addresses the lost tribes of Israel in the intro “…O coastlands…” since the tribes would migrate to distant coasts to establish their endtime nations. V. 5-6 – Christ personally the tribes of Israel to Himself through history and in the endtime. They were—and will be part of Christ’s light to the Gentiles. V. 7 – describes the true Christ is the Redeemer. V. 8-9 – the “acceptable time” refers to the Millennium and Last Great Day days of salvation for Israel and all peoples. V. 10-13 – speaks of God providing for the surviving Israelites in the very end of the age (and in principle during the GWTJ) during what we refer to as the “second Exodus” when God brings the survivors to the Promised Land to live at the beginning of the Millennium. V. 14-18 – God promises to regather the lost Tribes and in principle all people. V. 19-26 – the Tribes will repopulate the territory of ancient Israel to the point they will need new lands to move to and re-colonize.

ISAIAH 50 – The whole chapter is a prophecy of Christ as the ultimate King of Israel and His defense of His love for Israel and power over it. V. 4-6 is a prophecy of Christ’s first coming when He suffered for our sins. V. 7-9 – “the Lord GOD” (meaning God the Father) would help His Son. V. 10-11 – the chapter ends with a challenge for us and all mankind (Israelites and Gentiles) to trust our great God.

ISAIAH 51 – This chapter carries a Millennial theme addressed to “…you who follow after righteousness,…” (v. 1). It contains references to the desert becoming like the Garden of Eden (v. 3). It is addressed to God’s people who love His law (v. 4, 7). Rahab in v. 9 is another name for Egypt. The last part focuses on God’s intervention for Israel in history and prophecy.

ISAIAH 52  – Carrying on from chapter 51 is a message of redemption for Jerusalem and Israel throughout her history. V. 7-10 starts with a famous and often sung verse about Christ and “good news” (the true gospel of God’s Kingdom) and ends with the offer of salvation to all nations. V. 11-12 calls for God’s people to come out of the midst of this world and “be clean.”

ISAIAH 53 – We read much of this chapter during the Passover service because it describes in prophecy what Christ endured to the death for the forgiveness of our sins.

ISAIAH 54 – A wonderful prophecy of how Christ will bless all nations during the Millennium because He is “God of the whole earth.” V. 9-10 speaks of God’s coming covenant of peace with mankind. V. 11-13 prophecies of what must be Jerusalem with spectacular walls and gates with gemstones (compare with Rev. 21 and the New Jerusalem). V. 16-17 describes God’s protection of His people against all weapons in the world tomorrow.

ISAIAH 55 – This super encouraging chapter highlights God’s invitation to live and enjoy His abundant way of life. V. 3-5 – the “everlasting covenant” and the “sure mercies of David” allude to the Kingdom of God on earth during the Millennium and Great White Throne Judgment. V. 6-7 calls for all to seek the LORD. V. 8-9 speak of how high are God’s thoughts above ours. V. 10-13 describe the beauty of God’s Kingdom on earth.
