United Church of God

Pastor's Corner - January 24th, 2020

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Pastor's Corner - January 24th, 2020

This is the second time through tonight’s Pastor’s Corner—my apologies for missing the window to get it sent out in the email. The first time around, it was completed, and I managed to navigate away from the window and everything was lost. Perhaps that will result in a more succinct product. (Chances aren’t Good...)

So here we go again... Round two.


This week, the news cycle was once again dominated with the impeachment trial of President Donald J. Trump. The Democratic managers from the House of Representatives wrapped up their closing remarks this evening (January 24th, 2020) in the effort to remove Mr. Trump from office.

All of the major news networks have been covering little else for the past week, and I’ve done what I can to keep up with the trial as it has been an interesting window into the current State of Our Union. I sincerely hope that the truth comes out (whatever it might be) and that those making the final decision as to the verdict can check their partiality at the door and make a judgment based upon the objective facts of the case.

I’m not holding my breath, but I hope that justice wins the day.

Representative Adam Schiff, (D-CA), has led the effort to impeach Mr. Trump, and his emotional closing remarks on Thursday night struck a chord with many.

He made the following statement near the end of his speech.

“Well, let me tell you something, if right doesn’t matter, if right doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter how good the Constitution is. It doesn’t matter how brilliant the framers were. Doesn’t matter how good or bad our advocacy in this trial is. Doesn’t matter how well written the Oath of Impartiality is. If right doesn’t matter, we’re lost. If the truth doesn’t matter, we’re lost. Framers couldn’t protect us from ourselves, if right and truth don’t matter.”

It's an effective closing statement—full of logical fallacies—but the crux of his argument, I agree with wholeheartedly.

Right and Truth Matter.

...and therein lies the problem. When you have a nation that has largely rejected God, rejected His word, and has removed many of the objective definitions of truth which have existed throughout American history, what do you use to define that which is true? That which is right?

By way of example, Wednesday was the National Sanctity of Human Life Day, and the March for Life took place today in Washington, D.C. Abortion has been legal in the United States since January 22nd, 1973, when the Supreme Court ruled that there is a fundamental ‘right to privacy’ implicit in the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment which allows for a person the right to choose.

Representative Nancy Pelosi, (D-CA), made the following statements about recent state by state efforts to ban abortions at a NARAL 50th Anniversary dinner held this past September.

“These bans violate the constitution. They ignore basic morality...” She went on to say, “...But we all know the truth: every woman, everywhere has the constitutional and moral right to basic reproductive care.” (Full text of her remarks can be found at: http://speaker.gov/newsroom/92619-2)

That which is considered right and true by many on the democratic side, is considered to be an abomination to many on the republican side, and what is considered to be right and true on the republican side, is considered an abomination to those on the democratic side.

And much of what is believed to be right and truth on both the democratic and republican sides are an abomination to God.

In the absence of an objective standard of right and truth, mankind has no option but to define it for themselves.

Ancient Israel did this during the time of the judges.

Judges 21:25 provides a sad commentary on the horrendous events of Chapters 19,20, and 21, and much of the ups and downs of the period of the Judges. It essentially answers the question the reader asks themselves of... “How could this have happened?” with the statement in verse 25.

“In those days, there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in their own eyes.”

When there is no objective standard of truth, when there is no acknowledgement of what is truly right and just, it is up to personal definition.

Proverbs 14:12 cautions, “there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” We as humans are not inherently objective. We tend to side with our own opinions, we tend to believe what we wish to believe – and God is clear. That way is the way of death.

Now we have, “personal truth”, and people who “live their truth”. People talk about ‘inner truth,’ and “embracing your truth”.

God’s word states the exact opposite.

Christ’s own words in John 17:17 stated, “Sanctify them by your truth. Your word is truth.” In John 14:6, He stated, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through Me”.

The list goes on: 2nd Timothy 2:15, John 16:13, Psalm 119:160, Psalm 25:5, 1 John 4:6...

There is once source of truth. Almighty God, the Creator, our Father in Heaven, and the testimony of His Son, Jesus the Messiah.

When we hear the political rhetoric from both sides that claims they have the truth, compare that ‘truth’ with the Word of God. What does God say?

Adam Schiff was correct. Right and truth matter, the issue is who is defining that truth? Who is declaring something as right?  

That is the question we must always ask.

Happy Sabbath!