United Church of God

North County Bible Study

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

North County Bible Study

Our next Bible Study is scheduled for 6:30, Tuesday, December 17 at the Ed Brown Senior Center in Rancho Bernardo. We will continue our discussion of the Sermon on the Mount and related scriptures, beginning with Matthew 6:1. As usual I’ve provided questions to get you thinking, but especially when we get to the model prayer, feel free to go beyond the questions with your ideas and comments.

Mt 6:1-4 Almsgiving

  1. V1,4 How important is it that we hide our charitable deeds from others? If our “secret” gets out, what trouble will that cause?
  2. V3 What is this saying? How do we hide our deeds from our self?
  3. V4 What kind of open reward do we expect?

Mt 6:5-8 Prayer

  1. V5 Was it wrong to pray in the synagogues?
  2. V6 What is the “secret place” (NKJV)?
  3. V7 What is meant by “vain repetitions”?
  4. V8 If God knows what we need, why do we have to ask?

Mt 6:9-13; Lk 11:2-4 Model prayer

  1. In Luke, the prayer was prompted by one of His disciples asking Him to teach them to pray. This seems to have been given over a year later. Didn’t they get it the first time?
  2. V9 The example begins by addressing “Our Father”. What did Jesus say elsewhere about God as Father? Why might He have included “in heaven”?
  3. V9 What does it mean to “hallow” God’s name? What is this referring to? Is it instruction for us, or hope for the world in the future? Is it a petition?
  4. V10 Two requests regarding our Father, that His kingdom would come and His will be done. Again, is this instruction for us, or hope for the future? What is involved in praying for God’s kingdom to come? What is involved in praying that His will be done?
  5. The pronouns in the first half of the prayer are primarily “your”. In the second half “us”. Can we learn something from this, both in the change, and the fact that “us” is plural?
  6. V11 What is “daily bread”? Why “daily”?
  7. V12 What is meant by “debts”?
  8. V13 Is this one petition or two? Who leads us into the temptation that we are hoping to avoid?
  9. The second half of v13 is missing in Luke. And non-AV manuscripts also leave it out. Are any issues resolved if it wasn’t there?

Mt 6:14-15; Mk 11:25-26 Forgiveness

  • What else did Jesus say about forgiveness?
  1. V14 Debts is now trespasses. Why did Jesus elaborate on one aspect of the model prayer?
  2. Mark related this in the context of the withered fig tree. Is it related? Or just more information?