United Church of God

Pastor Update

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Pastor Update


San Diego members,

Please note the following attachments:

1) This week's Updates

2) Women's Discussion Group Prep Notes for next Sabbath, November 26

3) I have attached a memo to give us background of how and why we worship God as Scripture tells us when

    it comes to holy days and festivals. We are about to enter a season of various holidays that are NOT 

    mentioned or condoned in the Bible. I hope this paper will give us guidance and strength in your convictions.

There is also a sermon I gave last year during this time which speaks to this matter.

It can be found at http://ucg.org.   Go to the tool bar and click sermons.

Title: Let's Ask God: How Do You Want To Be Worshipped?--November 7, 2015

Warm regards,

Robin Webber