United Church of God

Challenger West 2016 Deadline: April 3

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Challenger West 2016 Deadline: April 3

Challenger West 2016 Deadline Approaching

The deadline for Challenger West 2016 applications is only two(2) weeks away -- April 3, 2016. All information and application forms are available at www.uyc.ucg.org (Challenger tab, and then go to Challenger West). This program is designed for young adults who want to strengthen their relationship with God, and who strongly desire to develop qualities of leadership in an outdoor setting. Throughout the week, everyone will be challenged physically, mentally and spiritually with activities that allow for growth in all of these areas. The program takes place in the Fitzpatrick Wildness in Wyoming.

Due to the unique nature of the program, the application process is more extensive than other such programs in the Church, and it still requires health information. It is advisable not to wait until the last minute to get started.

If you have any questions, please contact Matthew Fenchel by phone or e-mail (also listed on the website). We look forward to receiving your applications.