United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 32324.
Hymnal App Download the United Church of God hymnal app, with searchable song titles and piano recordings. You will need to be connected to the Internet to access the audio. The hymnal app is available for the iOS and Android mobile...
Feast Children's Choir Guidelines - United Church of God: All children aged 5 through 12 are permitted to participate in the Feast Choir. We have been given permission to use these songs and lyrics so they may be downloaded from...
United News
United News
Download information for the Feast of Tabernacles children's choir.
Children's Choir Music for Feast of Tabernacles: The Children's Choir music for the Feast of Tabernacles 2015 has been posted on the Web at: http://feast.ucg.org/childrens-choir. You can listen online or download the songs to your own...
United News
Peter Eddington
On Dec. 7 and 8 four more Beyond Today video programs were recorded in the new media center.
On Dec. 7 and 8 four more Beyond Today video programs were recorded in the new media center. This brings our total to eight programs. The next four will be videotaped on Jan. 11 and 12, with Darris McNeely hosting. ...
United News
Aaron Booth
Over 32,000 video views have occurred in the first two weeks since this new feature has been added to the Web sites.
You may have noticed a new feature on the home pages of several of the Church's Web sites. This feature is the new Beyond Today video commentary. The video commentaries will focus on a variety of topics influencing your...
United News
Frank Dunkle
ABC is now accepting applications!
Ambassador Bible College has successfully completed the first semester of the current academic year, and has now begun the Spring semester. We are currently accepting applications for the 2022-2023 academic year, and we encourage those...
United News
Victor Kubik
ABC is currently accepting applications for the next academic year (2021-2022). We encourage those who are interested in attending to apply as soon as possible!
ABC has successfully completed the first semester of the current academic year, and has now begun the Spring semester. We are happy to be able to conduct live and in-person classes and expect to do so next year, as well. We are...
United News
United News
What's New on the Web?
Local Congregations View a list of both U.S. and international UCG congregations at www.ucg.org/about/church.htm. You can also access many local congregation Web sites from this location. Good News...
by Gordon Hannaway
Tampa, FL
We should live our lives following Christ's example.
by Ed Emery
Central Oregon
Winston Churchill was able to rally his people in part because of his zeal. God has called us to be a people of zeal.
by Steve St. Charles
Ann Arbor, MI
This message is an in depth look at Isa.58:1-12. It looks at the attitudes that should and should not motivate our fasts and be things that should be part of our fasts.
United News
United News
"The new page looks awesome. You guys (and gals) are at the top of your game! Thanks for all you do for the brethren!" A member in Columbia, Maryland, sent this comment after checking out the new members.ucg.org Web site.
So far there have been over 7,000 visitors (as of Nov. 28) to the members' Web site since it went live Nov. 1. The first four About Our Father's Business videos have been viewed over 8,500 times. "We are...
United News
Peter Eddington
Program scheduled for 124 TV channels and growing.
Program scheduled for 124 TV channels and growing. In early January a "DVD sampler" of the first four Beyond Today video programs was mailed to all pastors. Enclosed was a letter from Clyde Kilough requesting...
by Robert L. Dunham
Detroit, MI
Christ wants to be our brother. The Father and Son want a relationship with us. We are important to God and Christ. They ENJOY being with us and communing with each of us in a very personal way.
by Tom C. Randle
Twin Cities, MN
What does it mean to be forgiven? How are we forgiven and who should we forgive? Why? How important is forgiving to a Christian?
by Devin Schulz
Northwest Arkansas
To be unified as one body in Christ we need to understand and follow three foundational principles for success.
United News
by Jeremy Lallier
In this first article of “God’s Word Online,” we take a look at the many online resources available on the UCG members’ Web site, http://members.ucg.org.
United News
Peter Eddington
The first five months of activity at the Beyond Today Web site show a healthy increase.
The first five months of activity at the Beyond Today Web site show a healthy increase. We had 4,844 visitors to the site in December of 2005, 13,115 in January, 13,618 in February, 21,119 in March and 32,440 in April—a...
United News
Aaron Booth
The United Church of God is offering its booklets in electronic format at the Amazon and Kindle online bookstores.
The United Church of God is offering its booklets in electronic format at the Amazon and Kindle online bookstores. This will allow those who own an Amazon Kindle or use the Kindle App on their smart phone or tablet an easy way to download...
