United Church of God

Alaskan Railroad Trip

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A United Church of God Feast of Tabernacles site

Alaskan Railroad Trip


Dear Brethren,

So far, about 135 paying people have signed up for the Alaskan train ride.

I’m not counting the children as having to pay.  The cost of three low

level domes (with plexiglass roofs for sightseeing)  is $15,052.00.    If we

can get 180 paying passengers, the cost would be at $84.00 apiece (again, not counting small children).  We need to add a box lunch ($14.00) per person (they can also do gluten free) and that bring us to about $100.00 apiece.

So, if any of you would like to go on this train ride, and have not as yet emailed me vince_szymkowiak@ucg.org or Debbie Kuhns debbiekuhns51@gmail.com please do so.  If we do not have 180, then the cost per person will rise above $100.00 per person . Can you let us know (again only if you have not already contacted us) by Thursday, July 12?


Thank you very much,


Vince Szymkowiak