United Church of God

Younger Singles & Young Adults Bible Study & Hospitality 1st Holy Day

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Younger Singles & Young Adults Bible Study & Hospitality 1st Holy Day


Younger Singles & Young Adults Bible Study

In their 2019 book Faith for Exiles, Kinnamen and Matlock ask us to discover five research-based practices that cultivate faithfulness in digital Babylon.  

The experienced researchers liken our screen filled world to living in a type of Babylon that is far from the land of Israel and Jerusalem,  “The lighted rectangles in our pockets - smartphones and their bigger siblings, tablets and computers - have redefined so much about our lives, including spirituality and the pursuit of  God.  The ubiquity and power of the interconnected, digital age is affecting how we shape our souls.”

In a world where always-connected smart devices and search algorithms educate and entertain, digital Babylon is the new context for where Christian live, work and must grow.  It seems we are all living as the Bible describes ancient Judah, an exile in a foreign land. 

Frank Fish, pastor of Los Angeles and Bakersfield, CA will facilitate this interactive study, for young adults (ages 18-35 - a mix of Gen Z and Millennials) we want to explore through a few exercises how you can focus on the five practices that make Christians resilient and thrive in the Digital Babylon as we await the return of the King of Kings, Jesus Christ.

11:15am Tuesday, September 21 in Conference Room B in the Gardner Student Center (across the parking lot behind the Cox Performing Arts Center)

Younger Singles & Young Adults Hospitality

This is for those 19 years and up to around 35, including young married couples. You are invited to drop in for a hospitality at the beginning of the Feast.  Light refreshments will be provided.  Also there will be a discussion for possible group activities.

Tuesday, September 21 from 1pm – 1:45pm in Conference Room B in the Gardner Student Center (across the parking lot behind the Cox Performing Arts Center)