United Church of God

2015 Feast of Tabernacles Report

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2015 Feast of Tabernacles Report

Ocean City, Maryland, United States

The beautiful Delmarva Peninsula was again the setting for the Feast of Tabernacles in the Mid-Atlantic region. Over 360 were in attendance at the Carousel Oceanfront Hotel in Ocean City, Maryland. Most of the members stayed in the hotel rooms and condos right in the Carousel resort, which afforded endless opportunities for fellowship well into each evening.

The messages were most inspiring. We heard of the transition that will need to take place as the Kingdom of God is set up and had messages about the fairness, rightness, forgiveness and mercy of God. Galen Morrison presented a Bible study titled “Inheriting All Things.” Randy Stiver delivered a seminar titled “Where Did the Twelve Apostles Go?” Special music performances were high quality and inspiring.

As the Feast began, we learned of the approach of Hurricane Joaquin, with early models showing its path heading right for Ocean City! But after a few days (and countless prayers), the hurricane was redirected out toward the open sea! Even so, high winds, cooler than normal temperatures, and considerable rain still dominated our weather for several days and caused the cancellation of our family beach bonfire. While the weather may have kept many indoors, that only gave us more opportunity for fellowship.

The weather was perfect for our teen activity at Baja Amusements go-kart track. A morning rain had just ended when the outing was to begin, and the wind and driving rain held off until just after the event ended. The hotel’s indoor ice rink and indoor pool saw lots of use, as the next few days were perfect for indoor activities. Other events included a family dance, where nearly 200 danced to a wide variety of music, from the limbo to classical music. There was also a seniors lunch, where 86 seniors were treated to a buffet lunch and entertainment. All in all, it was a very memorable Feast in Ocean City!