United Church of God

2016-2017 Family Study Guide: The Ten Commandments

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2016-2017 Family Study Guide

The Ten Commandments

Parents and Youth Instruction Facilitators,

We are beginning our 2016-2017 Youth Instruction program with the new Family Study Guides.  Our topic of study for the next 1.5 -2 years will be an in-depth study into God’s Ten Commandments. As a reminder UCG’s Youth Instruction uses the Deuteronomy 6 Model.  What this means is that the families receive the monthly study guides and then have family studies and discussions into the topic.  Later in the month the children come together at church services with their peers to reinforce and enhance their learning of the topic.  The Church’s role is to supplement families’ teachings not to supplant.  

During 2016-2017 the monthly study guides will thoroughly cover each commandment so that families not only help their children understand these godly directives, but more importantly how to use God’s commandments as a guide for everyday decision-making.  Within each family study guide, we will have situations and scenarios for family discussions.  Our goals and objectives for the upcoming family guides are for children to internalize godly principles so that when they are faced with daily situations, they are prepared to choose God’s way of thinking and action. 

We have two guides ready for you to start to use:

Your congregation can decide which one to use first or how soon to begin. 

The Ten Commandments Family Study Guides have lots of material within them for you to cover.  So review them, and then focus on the areas that will most benefit your own families’ discussions and studies.  We suggest that you spend a good amount of time on each of these monthly Ten Commandment topics.  Going slowly through them may be a key to successful internalization of God’s ways.

As always, keep sending us your questions and suggestions.