United Church of God

2018 Feast of Tabernacles: Penang, Malaysia

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2018 Feast of Tabernacles

Penang, Malaysia

The Bayview Beach Resort provided accommodation as well as the venue for services in their air-conditioned ballroom. Breakfasts, included in the package, were located alongside the inviting swimming pools and provided Feastgoers plenty of morning fellowship to begin their day.

Messages painted a picture of Christ’s Millennial rule, with a recurring theme of “the pearl of great price” emphasizing the intrinsic value of our calling and hope that we all share. We were truly blessed to enjoy outstanding special music every day, which enhanced our worship and focus on God. A youth-focused service gave some of the young adults and youth an opportunity to participate by leading songs, giving announcements, opening and closing prayers and the sermonette. The youth choir performed special music sharing their talent and voices. Bible lessons plus youth and young adult Bible studies were held on the weekly Sabbath, capped off by a delicious lunch and fellowship, allowing our younger members to build and cement friendships. We were also very excited to perform a baptism of one of our members from Singapore.

A welcome dinner concluded the first Holy Day. The dinner was held as the sun set over the ocean under the swaying palm trees in the hotel gardens with soothing background music. The members enjoyed an exquisite four-course dinner around colorfully set tables.

Other activities included a game evening, youth and young adult activities, a family boating excursion and a farewell lunch.

The sense of unity created by everyone staying in the same resort really added to the whole festival experience. The Southeast Asian members appreciated the visitors from Australia, Africa, Thailand and the U.S.A. as a reminder that they are part of a much bigger spiritual family, and eagerly anticipate sharing this piece of paradise with many more at the Feast in 2019.